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New Year's Resolutions



I haven't blogged in a long time. I lurk on this board in 'Guest' mode often, feeling neither qualified to offer advice nor humble enough to ask for it.

I have been lucky in my recovery. I walk only a bit crooked. I have no 'visible' deficits. People who didn't know me pre-stroke probably think I'm just a slightly whacky old lady. I can no longer do math in my head, or multi-task, or flip my own mattress twice a year like I did before. These things are important to no one but me. Maybe this will be the year I truly accept that fact.

1) I will stop feeling a failure for not recovering completely.

I tried my best (still trying)

2) I will stop trying to explain that I am not fully recovered.

My friends and loved ones will never understand unless it happens to them (God forbid).

3) I will appreciate my loving husband, and forgive his well intended but irritating advice. (Push-ups? Puhleeeese!)

4) I will allow my grown children to make their own mistakes, and not forever try to save them from themselves. (A MOM thing, totally un-stroke related).

5) I will live each day to the fullest, knowing that I have been given a second chance. Every day post stroke that you're not dead is a bonus.

6) I will forge ahead, looking forward to the great possibilities, not back to what might have been.


I will return to this blog to remind myself of these things whenever I start wallowing or stressing out over things I cannot control. 2007 was not a great year for me. I worried and struggled and wasted a great deal of time obsessing over my fate and what I could do about it.

2008 will be MY year. I will take that dream cruise my husband wants to take. I will reorganize my business. I will clean my house (maybe LOL).

I will accept the things I cannot change, Change what I can, and maybe even figure out the difference!





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Glad to see you blogging and great resolutions. Once you take that cruise with hubby, we will expect a very full and detailed report on the trip lol - especially for those of us (me) who doesn't get the chance to travel. So...I'm nosey...I admit to it lol. Wishing you a terrific 2008.

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I was so happy to see your blog,resolutions, do you mind if I borrow some of those, they all seem like great ones to follow to have happy fulfilling life, take that dream cruise with your hubby, we did last year to Alaska & had great time. I love your serenity prayer too.



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totally great blog! i have never been on a cruise . you are a lucky girl - be sure and tell us the details. many of us were happy to say good-bye to 2007 - me included. i hope 2008 brings you a year full of wonderful days and realized resolutions! kathy

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