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Australia day weekend

Aussie Ken


This weekend we are celebrating Australia's discovery by captain James Cook, and proclaimed a British colony, it's not until you compare the history of Europe, America etc how young Australia is. We had a very quite day and didn't go out to enjoy the festivities, more because like many countries they don't caterer or have easy access for people in wheelchairs. this why i'm still working overtime to get mobile again.

This week i have my last day at speech theropy, i have cqme a long way in the six months since i started this session. i just have to keep practicing and not let people speak over me or for me.

With physio Paula had me walking for 20 minutes on the treadmill last session. I saw my doctor and he has given me permission to try hydrotheropy so i will see my physio and arrange for a session at the pool. i'm really looking forward to it, after all it can only help and it may assist with my balance.

On the home front i have been able to contact a cousin i haven't seen for over 30 odd years. i tracted him through the Ancestry web site whise tracing my family tree.

I also have been able to contact an old school friend i haven't seen for 27 years since i left high school, so looks like it will be an exciting year.

well have a great week and remember KEEP SMILING


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Ken - glad your day was enjoyable though quiet. For me, getting out and about hinges upon weather conditions - not only for me walking outside but for whoerver is transporting me to and from. But that's par fort he course for our winter climate.


Good luck in your hydrotherapy.

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Ken, glad you enjoyed Australia Day, what wonderful weather we are having for the whole weekend. People love to spend it outdoors if they can. Thankfully they didn't have to spend it in the shopping centres as we do when it rains here on the coast.


See if you can get some help getting out and about. I had a big shopping day today, went to a local discount grocery store and did really well. I didn't have to carry it all to the car etc because Trev came too and did it all for me. It is such a big help.


I don't know what age your kids are but if they can play sport they should be strong enough to push you most places in the wheelchair. Sooner or later we all have to ask for help, it shouldn't be a problem, we just have a need earlier than other families who neeed the help in their eighties.


Our Lions Club asked around for a scooteer for one of our disabled Lions and got it up and running for him. It is part of what we say we do, help the needy, so why not occassionally do it for one of our own?


The minder Ray has on Fridays also looks after a veteran on Thursdays, takes him out for four hours by car and wheelchair, maybe you could access a service like that to get you out more?



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hey Ken:


Jan 26 is repulican day for India too, that day in India there are lot of indian day parades and stuff goes on, but being in US I don't see any of it anymore, but at the same token I am proud of my background. I am happy that you are working on your walking. I am glad I pushed on my walking too, it's great relief for everyone if you are able to walk without wheelchair. you will be able to go more outdoors. your this year sounds very exciting meeting up friends after 30 years wow so much mustt have changed for both of you.




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