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yet more progress



today is Tuesday and it has been cloudy and dreary. We had a bit of drizzle during our bible study. I've been wanting to make some notes lately as I've noticed some changes again. Ever since last Novmber, I've been slowly tapering off the anti depressants and anti anxiety meds. I've probably cut back by at least 60% and am beginning to notice a change in my personality. I think I am becoming more like my old self finally. I'm much quicker with a smart remark or a joke and more sure of myself in social situations. I really feel the difference. and Now that I have joined curves and started really watching my diet and weight, I'm feeling much better. I'm back in control of things again. and I still get to take naps whenever I want. I really didn't want to give that up. DAvid is so good about it, he just lets me go to bed when I want and he never complains that I"m a slug. and now that I know i'm doing something about my weight, I feel like a weight has been lifted off my shoulders. I think I've finally learned how to eat and not gain weight.


We did go to Asheville in November and I met Barbara Hall and Troy, her husband. We had a lot in common. I finally met David after all this time on line with him. and John Boy and his wife Nancy. We had a really nice time together. What a blessing the computer has turned out to be for me.


Rachel's wedding is coming up fast. I do plan to be able to buy a nice dress and look good for a change. :forgive_me?:


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cathy, your blog sounds so cheerful and that is a good thing, congrats on getting off of the meds and your working on your weight. eating nowadays is an art,huh. be sure to share what you are learning with us. alot of us are having the same issues. i'm glad you had a good time on your visit. that helps to cheer us up too. i'm sure you will look great at rachels wedding. keep up the good work you are doing. keep us posted on your progress it was good hearing from you again.

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Thanks for your response Kimmie, It is good to be finally feeling like myself again. I can actually go a day or two and not thingk about the stroke. It no longer defines me so much.


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its great that you are trying to tapered off from your antidepression pill, and taking control of your weight issue. I too lost weight when I got off my antidepression pill, and ofcourse excising is good thing for our paralysed bodies. I read in stroksmart magazin, doig exercise 3 days in a week can reduce your risk of getting diabetes and other diseases.


so you go girl.



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thank you for your response. I am fortunate to be able to do all that I do. I realize I was taking way too many drugs, it's amazing how much clearer I feel now.

Tascha (cathy)

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Hi Cathy. Congrats on the good news. I have lost 10 lbs, this last year.. and I am down a jeans size... This will be my 5th yr.. post stroke, I seldom think of having another anymore. It does take time to adjust.I also read in a magazine, as survivors we don't "fidget" like beofre.. fidfgiting helps burn calories.. I noticed the other day when I was sitting I was jiggling my foot. Every extra calorie burned is a plus.I am glad you had a nice visit and got to meet others. I have had the JOY of meeting 3 members, and one is only an hour away.. so we plan on more fun together.Keep us posted .. and so happy to hear you are feeling more like "Cathy"

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