Mema's Blog

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Mema's Brag Blog



Mema is what Ashley called me when she was trying to say Grandma and it stuck. Ashley is now a junior in college. She is on a track and academic scholarship at Anderson University in Anderson, SC. She ran in a track meet in Sewanee, TN this weekend. Stephanie called a little while ago and said Ashley came in 4th in the 400 meter, but not sure how she did in the other races. I'll check the college website tomorrow.


Brett is our 9 year old third grader. Brett never crawled when he was a baby - he bounced. We would sit him on the floor and he would start bouncing and maneuvering toward whatever he was interested in. It was funny to watch. Then when he started walking, he started running. He was never still. He is very well coordinated and could ride a bike and stay upright on in-line skates when he was 4 years old. Now he loves the Lego kits that he can make into cars and he can finish them without looking at the instructions. He tells me he is going to be an engineer. I'm afraid he is going to have to get an interest in reading before that happens.


Brandon is our 7 year old adopted grandson. This child came from a very disruptive home where drugs were common. He was removed from that home when he was 2 and has been with Sharon and Marvin since then. The adoption became official in July. When Sharon and Brandon were here during the holidays, Brandon had his key board and he played Christmas carols. He could also play the theme from The Polar Express movie. He listens to CD's and then can pick out the tune. He only uses two fingers, but he gets the tune right with the proper rhythm. It is a gift and it is fascinating. Ironically, Sharon has a Master's Degree in gifted education. And living where they do, she should be able to find the resources to help him.


And Brody is our 5 year old who is about to graduate from Pre-school. Brody has the sweetest personality and a smile that will charm your socks off. He hasn't found his niche yet, He loves to ride his scooter down the ramp on my deck.


It's a good thing I only have four grandchildren or this blog would go on forever. :lol:


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Vi, this is a typical Granma blog! I get letters like this at Christmas, the children, the grandchildren and sometimes the great grandchildren, all listed, all with their achievements for the year. It is so good to be included in that kind of family.


Glad you have so much to brag about. What a lovely family picture you paint. I hav five grandchildren and my happiest moments are when I have them all here together.






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you have so much to brag about. I now know my bragging can still go on after my son gets married and has children. so all of you blogreaders are going to be with me for long time.




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What a wonderful bunch of kids you are Grandma to. Like Asha, some day I'll be a grandma - but I can wait for the day lol as Kristi is 15.

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vi you have a great bunch of grandkids to brag about. how wonderful for you. i don't have any yet, but i can wait til the time is right. what a wonderful thing your children did to adopt brandon and give him a great and loving home. you just keep on bragging about them. i love to read about them. congrats to the track star too.

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