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my "quiet" days

cheer mama


Hi everyone!


I promised myself that I would start blogging again at the New Year. Well here it is the middle of February and I just now forced myself to do this. Its just so hard to motivate myself. I even have a hard time doing things I like. Well, I don't like to blog when I have nothing to say. That's how I feel on my "quiet" days.

I am home alone from 7am until at least 5pm because my dear husband and dear son are off to work. My dear daughters are off to college. Barbara is doing really well, she earned a 4.0 in her first semester and is now considered a sophomore because of credits she earned in high school.

My days are quiet like many of yours. I watch TV, read, surf the Internet and play video games on the computer and the Nintendo ds. Occasionally I do an errand or two, but it is so hard to do more than one thing. By the time I drive where I am going and finish one thing I am ready to go home and rest.

I never finished my "100 things" but I really enjoyed reading every one's list. I thought of a new list we could start. 100(?) things I have learned since I had a stroke. I thought of this when I was cracking an egg with one hand.

This was a good start for me, I hope to blog again soon. In the meantime, I will be reading your blogs and enjoying them.




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Hi Marden,


Glad all is ok with you even though your days are quiet and home alone. Sounds just the same as myself as my kiddo doesn't return home from school until after 3 pm.


I like your idea of doing 100 things I've learned after stroke.



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hey Marden:


glad to see your blog and liked idea if your 100 things I learnt after my stroke. maybe you can start that list & we will follow the suit.




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