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a little of this and that



hi all,


i love fridays as that is the day i try to set aside to read everyone's blog and get caught up on many of my cyber friend's lives. it is snowing to beat the band outside as i write this and i know - like perry - i am going to be a shut in for a bit. it really is lovely - especially when viewed from inside. not too much happening here. we have two weeks till we close on the new house. barry said we will take our time getting settled and then get the perfect things we will need. he knows how much my home means to me as i spend so much time in it nowadays. i am also looking forward to getting to know my new neighbors and making some new friends. then of course there is the thrill of getting to know a new library. yipeee. i must say given the state of the world i feel truely blessed to have a home and such a nice one at that. it is too easy to think about what we don't have and i am very grateful for how this move has turnned out

i have loved staying here with andy. he has got me into this wii business and i can't say enough about it. it is great for the brain! last night we stayed up late - that's past 8pm for me - and played this totally stupid wii rabbit game. i can't do the two handed games but i give it a try.i can't remember having so much fun and just being relaxed.

of course i am tired but who wouldn't be? i also am trying to take my pain meds when i need them and not feeling i have to be tough all the time - being tired and all the change has meant tears now and then but everyone has been right - much of the emotional up and down gets better with time. that is it for me - cheers! kathy


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Dear Kathy,


Yes you're tired - you've been through quite an upheavel and busy times. But I hear a contentment in your words and can just envision you playing and having fun with the wii game. Will your new home be near Andy? You know we'll all be expecting pictures in the gallery of your new home (once you're settled in of course). What fun you'll have setting it up.


The weather here has been the pits too; 2 hour school delay today. But each day we get through is one closer to nice weather. Hope the groundhog was wrong :yucky:

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kathy, you do sound excited and i am so happy for you. you have been doing so much these past few months , so you need to take your time in getting settled in your new home to make it just how you want it. what fun you will have. it sounds like the wii game has been good for you. yes we do want pictures of your new place. i bet the snow is lovely but i will let you enjoy it, lol

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