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guilty feelings.



I know I just posted... But He will be home soon. Dont know if i mentioned, He is driving now. It took a bit of doing to get him to go anywhere alone. But he has a weekly depression Class at VA hospital. Thats where he is. He will be returning home soon. I feel like runing away. I dont want hime to see that I have been crying. I dont want to confront him about any of this. At least not now. would rather not ever. But he probally wont notice anyway. I dont think he notices anything about me except what I dont do. Or what I need to do.


I have guilty feelings. Sometimes I think we both would be better off if he had not even survived.!!!!! OMG!!! DID I JUST SAY THAT????? :o while I am at it, why dont I jsut say the rest of it.... he is much easier to be with when he is a bit confused. :mellow:


What kind of wife am I anyway? To have such thoughts. :yikes:


Now I am starting to just feel a bit down... That must be my shell coming up around me... OK, I will just go wash my face, slap on some make up, brush my hair... and put on that smile, u know, the one he never notices anyway.... then start tackleing some of the things he says I need to finish... like I dont know I need to finish them.....


Oh, I am so bad....


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Babs, I just hung those wings up behind the bedroom door. The halo is a bit bent but I straightened it out a bit and I think it is wearable.


Never mind, your thoughts are safe with us.


(((Hugs))) from Sue.

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I hear you!!! I've had some of those same feelings myself and I've actually told my husband that I like him better when he can't talk - at least I haven't been called a "bitch" by him since his stroke! LOL






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