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Update and Stuff



I see that some others have updated so why not me.


Winter is still showing no signs of letting go in MN. It was -7 this morning. Lisa and I are both ready for spring to hit so we can get out of the house more often. It has been a long, cold winter.


Lisa is doing well. She is still going to PT three days a week with her PCA and enjoys it. She has adopted my old iPod and helps pass the time while working out. Her mood has been upbeat. Mobility wise, therapy is maintaining her current level. I was a little worried that if she "slid" any I might have trouble, but that didn't happen. She is looking forward to going outside in her power chair this year. We still need a van, but I'm working on it.


The biggest problem we have had recently is, yep, it finally happened, we had some financial issues. We had a little less than I am comfortable with. But, tax rebates and my bonus has relieved that. I'm not a religious man, but thank God.


We are still going forward with selling our house and moving, but I think we might have to push it back 1 year. The market is horrible here. Nothing is selling. I have some touch-up projects and my contractor friend will be doing some of the bigger jobs. It has been exciting, the prospect of moving. The next step in our lives.


The kids are good. They are also starting the next step in their lives. Our daughter will be leaving for college, and they have agreed to share an apartment in Minneapolis. It will be within a mile of both their schools and they are really jazzed about living in the big city. Right in the middle of downtown Minneapolis. We checked the place out and it is reasonable and secure. It was kind of scary for Lisa and I, thinking our kids will be living there, but it is for the best. Now, if they can get along.


Me, I'm O.K. I'm worried about losing all my support with the kids both gone. If you have read any of my blog, you know that I am not getting much help from Lisa's family and that has not changed. I keep hoping that they will step up and see that any help would be great, but alas, no. I think Lisa has pretty much given up hoping for that as well. What can you do?


On the up side, a friend of mine called and asked me to play guitar again. We have been having a blast. We are working on an acoustic set, just he and I, that we will be playing at a few of the local clubs and possibly the Twin Cities.

We play only original songs that he and I have written. Writing has been great for me, and it's not like I don't have any new material to set to music. We spilt up before because I thought his music was a touch dark, but now we have switched. I guess music depends on your frame of mind at the time.


That's it. It has been nice reading up on how everyone is doing and I wish you all the best.




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Thanks for the update - good to see things are going well for you, Lisa, and the kids. So many families just don't have a clue in understanding stroke. I get to hear indirectly comments that are made to my daughter.....such as... I'm lazy and don't try hard enough.

I recently let it be known quite loudly that I'm brain damaged - NOT brain dead. It is hard though...I try to do what I can to help my daughter around the house - we forge ahead day by day.

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Glad to hear from you!


Some families just don't understand how much their help would really HELP. But it's difficult to get people to help if it means they have to change their routine in some way.


My son is 16 and I have thought often about the joys of an empty nest (ok, mostly a clean house after an empty nest :) ). But then I think about all the little chores I will have to start actually doing myself, like mowing the lawn. YUCK.


I hope things settle down soon!!


Take Care,


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Hi Butch,


It must be old home week around here. Glad to see your update. That empty nest of yours sounds like it will take a little adjustment for you and Lisa. But you raise kids to become responsible and independent adults and I'm sure they will both make you proud.


Enjoy your musical outlet. It sounds like that came back into your life at the right time.



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