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i am adjusting



well, i am adjusting to not having help any longer. i have decided to hold off looking for anyone for now. my hubby's business has been real slow, so money is tight right now. so the money i was paying out for the helper, i can now save to help out more with the monthly home expenses to ease hubby's worries for now. i am now doing more for myself, still need some help with a few things. i can do dishes, laundry and some house cleanng, without help. cook alittle, all with critters underfoot. my son will be here soon, any big jobs can wait for now. so i am getting by ok for now. i just hope the business picks up more. matt and tonya just celebrated their 1st anniversary, already. and school is going well for matt. tonya has her daily struggles with the kids at school. she called me yesterday about an incident with 7 of her girls , that they apparently beat up a boy pretty badly, on the bus because he was saying bad things to them, racial comments, etc. i had to applaud the girls for standing up for themselves, lol. but tonya was really upset cause all the kids were from her class. the kids were suspended, ahh, the joys of being a teacher. i'm sure it will all be ok in time. she worries alot and we all know kids will be kids. i found the whole thing humerous myself. hell hath no fury like a woman scorned, i think is how its said, lol i hope everyone has a happy easter here at strokenet. gotta run and clean up the kitchen. til next blog, be safe and well everyone.


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Glad dear all is going well without your helper- be careful though and don't overdo and be casreful of critters underfoot. Lili still hasn't quite gotten the hang of staying outta my way yet. Congrats to Matt and Tonya on their Anniversary and glad school going well for Matt. Thant's a shame about Tonya's students. Hope all stettles down. Hope your Easter is good. We're going to my Aunt's tomorrow but will be home Easter doing our own thing.

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hey Kimmie:


I appauld you for doing more at home for saving money. I know more you do easy it wil become. I had helper for first 2 years, and I wasted those years in deep depression. the best thing I did for myself was firing that lady. I try to do everything I can, except vaccuming and cleaning of bathroom I do every thing, but those 2 chores I never did prestroke also so why start now. glad your son is doing so well. your DIL is very good teacher.




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Kimmie, you will get into a routine in time. Maybe you will find with the extra chores you have less time on the computer but remember all housework is EXERCISE so you will also benefit from that.


It's good when your kids do well. Nice that your son will be visiting soon. I really miss my daughter as she and family are far too far awy to drop in, particularly on holidays like Easter when I could guarantee I would have seen them on the "old days".


Enjoy life as you go into spring. You can always hire a clening lady for a couple of hours if you get desperate.



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Glad to hear things are going pretty well despite having to give up your help. I hope it comforts you to know you are still capable of doing what you need to do.


As a "caregiver", let me say THANK YOU for what you do, like laundry, dishes, or whatever. My husband does these things too and he often apologizes for not doing more. I tell him, "ARE YOU CRAZY??? THANK YOU FOR DOING IT, I couldn't ask for more!!!"




I bet that kid never runs his mouth around a bunch of girls again, especially in an enclosed area!

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Hi Kimmie: I haven't posted in quite a while. Yes it takes time to adjust and everytime their is a change it is not easy because we have to re-adjust AGAIN!! I have been doing more around the house also and it not only takes much more time than it used to but it is SO tiring. I give you so much credit for saying "JUST DO IT" but along with that I would say EASY DOES IT. Most of us have been type A personalities - we thought we were superwomen - handling a career and a home (and in many cases kids) too. Plus many of us had to make all the plans for other things many men do (in my case all the financials, vacations, appointments etc). Things have changed somewhat but the more improved I get the more I seem to take on. I know I could say NO but I probably don't because deep down I probably feel somewhat guilty for my stroke changing Jerry's life too. I think every day some adjustment needs to be made.


We're going on vacation tomorrow and I am going "nuts". I am going to post another blog before we leave. My plans for 2008 were to blog at least once a month and I haven't done it once this year. So today I am going to start my year all over! Hope all is okay with you JUST FOR TODAY.

Love, Leah, your Arizona stroke survivor buddy :happybday: :friends:

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