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A Quilting B(log)



It now been 3 years, 2 months, 11 days, and 45 minutes since my stroke, but whose counting. LOL Before my stroke, I had become an avid quilter of sorts. I never did get into the "quilting" part, but I would spend hours cutting fabric into strips and then sewing into blocks, and then arranging the blocks into pretty quilt tops. When I had the top finished, I would take it to a friend to have it quilted by machine. Some of the baby quilts would be tied with yarn.


The stroke left me paralyzed on the left side. I can no longer use my left arm, nor can I walk. Consequently, I cannot cut the fabric nor use the sewing machine, so my favorite pastime is kaput. However, my daughter became interested in quilting and she finished several of my unfinished projects. Now she thinks we should form a partnership with me designing the quilts and she sewing them. That idea intrigued me and I recently started looking at some quilting websites.


When I did, I discovered the FabShopHop is going on. I used to do those every Spring. One has to register and then must search a list of quilt shop websites for a purple bunny. I started doing that yesterday and I am having a ball. Only a quilter will understand. I am seeing some of the most beautiful fabrics. I am an addict - you should see my stash, and I have given a lot of it away.


Last Summer, there was a story in the paper about a group of women here in town who were making quilts for the wounded soldiers at Walter Reed hospital. It occurred to me that they could probably use some fabric, so I called and offered some of mine. They took about 3 shopping bags full. Sharon has taken some of the baby prints to make quilts for her grandchildren and I instructed Misti, my carer, in making a quilt for her grandson. And the closet is still full.


(A littlle side note: I just took a potty break and when I went into the bathroom, Fred, my cat, was standing on the toilet. I don't know what she was trying to do. :roflmao:


Back to quilting. Sharon will be here next week, and we will discuss what kind of quilts she wants and then I can begin the process. The nice thing about Internet is I can order what I want and have it sent to Sharon. I will send her the pattern and instructions and she can cut and sew. I don't know if you can tell, but my addiction is starting to kick in. :laughbounce: I'll keep you posted unless I get shipped off to the funny farm. :bouncing_off_wall:


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hey Mema:



I was never artistic person and after stroke right brain shot can't even think about starting one, but I can appreciate your addiction, you sound like my mom she enjoy sewing, quilting. we are eagar to see your new designs here.




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vi, you go ahead and get into it again, it would be fun for you and gives you something to look forward to. i don't quilt but my sister does and she loves it and really gets into it. she has made quilts for everyone in the family i think. its a great hobby. boy you sure had loads of the fabric, now you can utilize them into something good. have fun and we want pictures too.

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