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I've Graduated

Aussie Ken


From speech therapy


On Monday i had my final Speech Therapy session and passed with flying colours, she has now invited me to attend one of the other groups at a neighbouring hospitals as a guest speaker, and i'm looking forward to it. She invited her boss to hear my presentation and he was very impressed. Over the past 6 months i have been having one on one sessions with Natalie.

I'm looking forward to it and hopefully they may start a simular group here in Penrith. The Blacktown group i will be attending has a set topic each month and each member has to talk on the subject. the topics include Hobbies, Sport etc.


My Hydro is really showing results as my balance is improving every week and the deep water therapy is the best. i managed 6 laps across the pool last wednesday.


Next Monday i see my other physio and aim to walk 30 min on the treadmill. I'm also getting more strengh in my right arm and hand.


So everybody have a great week and Keep smiling



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I had a huge smile on my face as I read your entry. Way to GO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Keep up the great work.

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ken, i ditto donna's comment. what a great job you have done. you should celebrate your successes big time. keep up the good work, ken. you are a true inspiration to all survivors.

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I agree with all others you should celebrate each of his small success which will add up to something really big. your blogs always inspires me




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Ken, way to go indeed! You are such a giant in determination. Making a speech after all you have been through sounds such an achievement.


Glad the water therapy is helping, Ray never got to the deep water therapy stage as he had a real fear of losing control. So it was just walking in the water for him until one day he refused to go. A pity really as it is such great exercise.


Hope to see you sometime this year.



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