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just checking in



not much happening here. went to the pain clinic this past week --met the new doctor and started to cry! i swear i can't take me out in public anymore. :o she seems okay but i had really gotten attached to my florida doctor....i guess i did not realize how much! it is pouring rain quite hard today and so the choices to past time are limited. of course there is housework, :cleaning: but as i said the choices are limited. lol. last week we went to the zoo with our grandson connor. it was fun and exhausting! he now can name all the animals and tells us what he wants to see next-----before we know it he will be asking his folks for the car keys! lol. they had two elephants at the zoo and i have always been interested in these animals and thier extensive social structure. while watching them i really felt teary for them being in an enclosed area away from other wild elephants. sometimes i feel that same way about the stroke - that i am in a cage and am looking out at the rest of the "free" world. i must be a slow learner cause i am still dealing with the fact that this stroke stuff is not going away. today i went to get fitted for a new brace at the rehab clinic - i am never keen on going there even though i fit right in! watching patients come and go as i waited i was once again touched by the strength of the human spirit. in all honesty i can say here (nowhere else) that i am still angry about the stroke. yep, i am rebuilding my life and and am blessed with good friends and family --but sometimes i am just plain *beep* at fate! on another subject my ribs and muscles are starting to feel a bit better --i guess they take a bit of time to heal..... :nuhuh: no more bear hugs in this house. that's it for now --take care everyone and have a great week.


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Zoos are just way too cool - I haven't been in quite a few years. I bet your grandson just kept everyone and everything lively. Think it'll be a few years though before he's wanting the car keys.


A new AFO huh? Whoooooooohooooooooooooo for you. Amazing what gets us excited these days. Guess you guys are getting the rain we had come barreling through here last night. Nasty t-storms and rain today + quite cooler - not even out of the 50's today.

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It's okay to be angry at your stroke but at the same time remember how far you have come and don't project your life will be same way few years down the road things will change it for beter I am sure of it. when I feel angry I remember 1 christan saying which means kind of everybody is carrying some sort of burden and this is my cross to carry but to carry this burden I have more support than lot of other folks. this is our hand and we have to play this game with our best shot. I am sure not every day is good day even size 2 model are unhappy too. so wait a day or two sun will shine tomorrow.




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On the upside....sure beats still being in Florida and not getting to hang with your grandson until he had his car keys and drove down for spring break with a host of different animals. The rain isn't helping the whole pain thing. Once the weather breaks a bit, hopefully it will ease up a bit.

Maria :friends:

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kathy, i too hope your days brighten up abit for you. pain can always make us have a rotten day. i love the zoo's but in a way they are saving the species that you see. i bet connor had a great time too. i can get teary eyed in a flash, no matter what. i keep telling myself it will get better. i'm sure you miss florida and your life there, but look where you are now, i bet its beautiful there. hope for the sun, so you can get outside to watch the birds. i send you some (((hugs))) softly of coarse. hopefully the new afo will help you walk better. did you get a design on it?

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