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Spring has arrived



With the snow finally all melted in N. Minnesota, I thought I would post a blog.


Our moving project has been put on hold. Our current house has few trouble areas for Lisa and we are in no hurry. It will happen when it happens. I'm sure we both will have some empty nest syndrome as soon as our daughter leaves.


Our daughter is done with high school in a few weeks, and her and Lisa have been busy planning every thing that goes with that. All the grad party plans are done. The only issue remaining is paying for it. We decided to have the whole thing catered. I know, it's a lot more money, but I don't want to be cooking and playing maid all day. I want to enjoy the day. Prom was last weekend and she looked beautiful. I'm biased, yes, but the Vera Wang dress she was wearing didn't hurt either. She looked very classic. Her apartment is all ready to go and she will be moving in in early July. College starts a few weeks later, but it will give her some time to find a job.


Lisa is doing well. No major improvements, but no setbacks, which is good. She is happy and content. I got 2 new kittens for our house. We have always been cat people and the last 2 we had died at 17 and 18 years recently. It has been entertaining. Lisa has a new PCA who comes to the house 5 days a week and they get along great. So great that we will be taking a vacation to Texas next year and her PCA will come with us.


Me?...I am doing great. Why? I have become part of the anti-depressant generation. Yep. I finally went a talked to my doctor about it. To be honest, it has helped me. No real bad mood swings. My doctor called it angry-man syndrome-example: the house is on fire, I can handle it...someone spills the milk, I'm going to kill somebody. It's true. That was exactly the way I was feeling. I have been very open with anyone who has asked me about it, and if you have been thinking about something like this, GO, GO NOW. I am very happy.


Well, that's pretty much it for now.






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Butch, thanks for filling us in on what is happening for you and Lisa. I like the way you handle life and if anti-depressants make that easier, good for you.


Spring is a great time whichever part of the planet you live on. Our autumn(fall) is extending with a few dry sunny warmish days and Ray and I are making the most of them knowing gloomy gray winter days will be here soon enough.


The kittens sound great entertainment value. Glad your PCA is working out well for both of you. Good help is hard to find but worth it's weight in gold when you do.


(((hugs))) from Sue.

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Glad to hear you and Lisa are doing well. In 2 years, I face the high school graduation with my daughter. When I think of it, my stomach begins to knot up. Major drawback of being a single Mom.


Good that spring has hit your part of the country. It's a good rejunvenation time. The kittens sound adorable. Our kitten is now 8 months old; our first born, Crystal, turned 8 in April and her patience is very low when it comes to Lili. Lili is fortunate she's cute lol.


There is nothing wrong with taking anti-depressants if they are helping you cope with everything. Glad to hear you're happy.


((hugs))) to you and Lisa.

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Butch, I don't usually reply twice but had to respond to what you said:


"angry-man syndrome-example: the house is on fire, I can handle it...someone spills the milk, I'm going to kill somebody."


I don't think this is much more than the building up of frustration that happens to the long-term caregiver. BUT I think you did right to go on anti-depressants at least for a while if that helps you manage it. I think I am suffering from something similar as I have flown into a rage several times in the last couple of weeks over a very small event. I also think I need time off as most of my time off goes to shopping etc, things I should be able to do other times so I actualy have time to myself.


It seems as if life extends ahead with not much prospect of it improving here. Glad you are still able to put plans into place, like moving if you need to. I need to down-size soon as this house is too much upkeep for low income earners. I can only do so much myself to improve it and I don't want to just let it fall down around me. So moving is starting to look like part of our future too.



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I always enjoy reading your blog, it feels like post card from old friend. It's good to know Lisa is doing well. kids grow up so fast, but I am sure they will still need us in later lives. I am glad you recognized your symptoms and joined antidepression club. I feel if it helps then there is no harm in taking it.




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I'm always happy to read one of your updates.


If it takes joining the "anti-depressant generation" to handle what needs doing, I'm glad you decided to talk to your doctor about it. Your 'angry man syndrome' is something I've never heard it called before but I've sure seen that trait in a lot of men.


Catch a lot of fish this summer.





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