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rehab was a great experience for me



Well, I cant wait to hear what they have to say about all the test I took last week. Hopefully they will work with me at Dars and pay for rehab for my hand and speach theropy. The Peope at the rehab were very nice and knew a lot they answered a lot of my questions.


This may sound weird but this was a great experence for me. I got to meet people just like me. We kinda all have the same look, do you know what I mean. Its in the eyes. Kind of a sadness and confussion. But it gave me a sence of peace being there. I did testing all day for 5 days. I didnt think I would make it all week but I did. And when I burst into tears which I do all day they just went about there buisness. They knew how to deal with it. And me.


It was just so nice not to have to explain the crying the stuttering the missing words etc... I didn't have to explaine anything they already knew I had a stroke. I could just relax and not worry about what anyone would do or the looks I would get on the outside. I was almost happy for a few days lol.


There were 2 other women about my age one had a stroke and the other hit by drunk driver and we all talked and laughted. The thing is after a while I forgot I was a stroke survivor. Everytime I start feeling bad I now have another memory to pull from to keep my spirits up. I was completly surprised at how fast I fell for these 2 women each had a different story but then we were so alike,


I have my apt with Ann at 11am tommorrow(my theropist) can't wait to tell her I did ok. I did not get lost,did not run away,and I did what I was suppose to do. I know your probably saying whats the big deal! WELL this is the first time since my stroke I did anything that had purpose. And that I was totaly responsible for. I went alone found the place and got myself up on time in the morning fed myself food at lunch and at night. Took all my pills on time and didn't loose anything. And thats a big one. lol So I pat myself on the back and say job well done. he he




thanks for listning

sherry :D


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welcome back and we are all so proud of you. all these seemingly small things are huge in my eyes & brings so much joy. simplicity is good for life. I know even making phone call to set up appointment was liberating for me. you feel so much out of control, and one small step at a time you take control of your life one more time. I am so happy you met other 2 friends at rehab. you are back amonst friends now.




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Welcome back AND a huge WAY TO GO TO YOU!!!!!!!!!! So glad all went well for you and that you successfully completed the week of testing. Hope the outcome is positive and they will work with you and insurance will cover. I'll be praying for you.

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fantastic! working towards increasing independance is a purpose. i think it is great that you "enjoyed" therapy. finding the good in a tough situation is important and says so much about you and your strength of spirit! i am glad you were able to share experiences with the other women --and later to draw on that for comfort. i often find myself going through the blogs and message boards when i am feeling down --- they inspire me and remind me we are not alone in our struggle. keep up the great work! kathy

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thanks ladies


i just have so much hope for the future and see that we all have a purpose no matter what are shortcomings


cant wait for chat c u there


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sherry, woo hoo, you did it girlfriend. i am so happy things went well for you. its like a liberation from your bottled up fears and feelings, post stroke. i'm sure ann will be very proud of you. you are not alone in any of this as you have seen. it does get easier, so keep fighting your way through all of this. good luck

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great to know your visit to the rehab center was a positive one! the interaction with the other women must've been added therapy for you. getting out amongst others dealing with similar difficulties as we are helps with our own self worth and morale. i can tell by the tone of this entry that you're feeling better and moving forward. the recovery process is slow, but we have to press on. you're doing great! good for you!

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Thankyou It always help when I get a kind word. Stroke net has been terrific help to me I read the post and blogs and I realize were all the same. The struggles may be different but the result the same we want a good life Rehab was great Im looking forward to more.





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Great Job, I remember how frightening "firsts" were for me. Also the snese of accomplishment when I completed a task .... great job ! It is hard.. for others who have not had stroke in their lives to understand how hard it is to stay focused and complete one task.. So CONGRATS.


Not that anyone would wish a brain injury to anyone .... but it is exciting and ... fun to meet someone who understands you.... it's ok if you say something backwords or forget a word...

if you trip or drop someting... lige goes on, and it is no big deal.. I'm so glad you had the interaction with the other 2 ladies..


Maybe there is a "stroke" or brain injury group in your area where you could meet and make friends.



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