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iris and meds...what a mix!



wow! another week has flown by. when i first stroked i would sit in a chair and wonder what i was going to do all day. these days i feel my days are pretty full. granted i spend time resting, days when my "parts don't work" i lie low, nap and read and yes, it takes so much longer to do things....but i no longer look at the day as empty. i guess it really is up to each of us how we use the time we are given. of course i am still not moved in completely and some days that makes me nuts and other days i just go with it. i still miss my work but what else is new?

the woman we bought our condo from did some spectacular flower and bush plantings around the side and front of the unit and in the backyard. i am loving the colors of everthing and have declared war on the weeds in the flower beds! each morning i spend 15 or so minutes on my little chair and yank weeds. i could probably do it all day but my body and the balance needed limits my efforts. it is great to see immeadite results from a task! this morning i got up to check out my hummers and other bird life and was greeted by the iris in bloom! what a lift to the spirit!!

this coming week-end is connor's birthday party and tomorrow i will go into full scale cake action....i am very excited to try out my elmo skills.


this past week barry and i went to the doctor's together. after my appointment barry had his. i am not sure what went down but our doctor gave him some medication for anxiety----he has always been a high maintenance kind of guy and since the stroke i just don't have it in me anymore. i sometimes think he feels he had the stroke....or i had the stroke to ruin his life......well he started taking the meds and he says he feels less tense......i know for sure he does not raise his voice as much and i think he is a bit more patient with me.......gee, maybe they could double the dose!


that is about it cheers! kathy


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I can imagine how beautiful your garden is. You have your own oasis - gorgeous blooms and birds singing away. Ahhhh......serenity.


I'm sure Connor's cake will be adorable as well as delish.


Glad Barry is receiving some relief from his meds. Ain't it amazing how, at times, family presume we aked for stroke to enter our lives when we wouldn't wish this on our worse enemy.


Wishing you continued contentment and your high maintenance hubby peace. (((hugs))) to you both.

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I'm glad you're enjoying the serenity of your garden

It's good that Barry is receptive to the meds...you really need to share how you pulled that one off. :Tantrum:

Maria :friends:

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your oasis sounds so blissful. makes me also feel I should garden or something. It's great that anxiety medicine is helping Barry. I enjoy your sense of humor, I m sure that helps take edge of Barry's high maintence nature. I think as we need to griee for ur loss even our spouses needs to grieve for their loss. in time he will also need to accept the changes and moe on with new life. life post stroke is not bad it's just different.




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