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second stroke



Today is Feb. 22 entry by Brice to see if her blog can be edited.


Well, there I sit on the bathroom floor. The headache comes in three stabbing points. I sit and cry "OH NO!!!! not again." I slowly feel the effects of this stroke slowly. No feeling in my foot, then leg, then hand, arm. and then face droops. I feel like I have a fat lip. I sat banging my foot against the floor and slapping my leg hoping to feel it. I can't. My husbasnd comes in. He doesn't know what to do. I don't want to go to the hospital. Maybe if I don't go and confirm this stroke. It will go away. I don't want to hear the dr. tell me I had another stroke. My husband calls my mom. She begs me to go to the hospital for her. I go and yes. I had another hemorrhagic stroke. Next to the same area as last time. Not as bad though. Many tests as you know. I had two angiograms!.. I hate those. The pain from them. I did it hoping to find the reason for my strokes. The docs. Don't know why. So how do I prevent them? I know I need to lose weight. I have been watching carefully what I eat. and walking more. Stiull no weight loss. I will just have to keep trying!!!!

I am in out patient rehab. The feeling is coming back. YEH!!!! I am home doing my MOM things (I think this is the best rehab)except driving and cooking. I want to start cooking again. Been working on it at rehab. My husband is very protective and doesn't want me cooking yet. How do I get him to let go a little?


Went to the pain clinic. Disappointed. The doc only recommends nerve block to help. I exlained I was looking more for non-medication, like biofeedback and accupuncture. He said to set-up an appt. for biofeedback. He doesn't think accupuncture would help my types of headaches.


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hey Beth:


sorry to hear about your second stroke glad it wasn't major one and things are coming back. I know how hard it must be for your husband, but you have to keep at him to allow you to do certain things like cooking, maybe start small cooking like making spagateii or just noodles and let him see you can handle it & hopefully he will relent it. till then use our women's best arsenal like nagging. I did that constantly & it worked on mine. good luck in everything. hope doctors find cause of your strokes such that future ones can be avoided




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Glad to see you're recovering from this second stroke. I do hope they can find the cause to alleviate it happening any more. If I had a protective hubby (which I don't - single Mom here) I wouldn't nag or argue with him over being protective. Stress can lead to high blood pressure and therefore stroke as you know. If you've got time home alone (kids at school, him working), work on your cooking - as long as you're safe - surprise family with small creations at first to build up his confidence you are ok. Baby steps right now - don't cook for an army.

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Hi Beth,


My husband Ray has had five strokes, no known cause. He is skinny too, no excess weight to lose in fact they would like him to gain some. Like you the strokes fire along the same line each time. I wish we had some answers but we don't.


I use the low sugar, low fat diet so the results are good for both of us. I don't add any fat or oil to cooking unless it is absolutely necessary, eat sandwiches without spread etc. Ray can't exercise much but has some standing and sitting exercises called "Stay on your feet" he was given years ago and still does them three times a week.


Sorry you had to go through this again. It is tiresome to say the least. Good luck with your recovery, I guess you know how hard it is going to be to get back to as active as you were before but it is only one day at a time.


(((Hugs))) from Sue.

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Sorry to hear you've had another stroke. I'm glad to hear you're doing fairly well though. It must have been horribly scary especially because you thought you'd go back to square one. Fortunately you seem to be recovering pretty well. I began cooking again using a crockpot so I wouldn't become overwhelmed trying to do too many things at once. I could do it in the morning when everyone was at school or work and I could work at my own pace without being hovered over. If it's something that needs to go over noodles I can't dump boiling water so he'll do that right before dinner when he gets home. it's sort of a I can do what I can I know my limitations, I'll ask for help if it's not safe for me. Sometimes I ask for help when I may not really need it too much just to reassure him that I will ask rather than take a chance. Give it some time all will work out

Be well

Maria :friends:

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i am so sorry! be sure to nix the cigs now. have you considered botox right into the scalp area......i had horrible head-aches and my neurologist did the botox about three different times and i have never had another migraine.

on another note, let your hubby help and cook. you need time to let your brain heal. you are so in my thoughts.......be kind and patient with yourself. big hugs, kathy

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I'm confused! That's easy for me, it's my state of mind. But you posted this blog Feb 22 2009, at 10:45 pm then the first 4 comments I read is dated May 2008? What's up with that?


Anyway two things, I hope you are OK and recovering well from a second stroke, that grabs my attention anytime I see (2nd stroke). Good you are in out patient rehab so soon.


Second thing, how or what doctor would I get a referral to see to get the biofeedback done? I think I want to try that at this time??????

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