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well its official im disabled



Well I recover from the letter from ssi say I may need a trustee.


I went down to the ssi office with a friend and it's official I an disabled. The ssi people agreed with the phy nerologist severe brain damage due to stroke. ok but I wish they would stop saying that.


2 hours later it was done. I didn't realy feel anything I realy felt numb.


I guess after thinking about what they said and now this is a new chapter


Now instead of selling things to pay bills ill have a check to help and can consentrate on my health and Ill have med help.


I guess someone was looking out for me


I was on the brink of loosing my house


so I'll take a deep breath and start a new chapter


I want to thank all of you that gave me hell and encouragement


Its one thing to file for ssi but its another reality to actualy get it and it be officially DISABLED


yes its time to move on


look on the bright side I dont have a trustie lol Im still free





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SSDI for us is a mixed blessing. Although it does mean we're that horrible thing called disabled, it also means that we have a steady income.


For me, it was a blessing as I was able to provide a roof of my head as well as the head of my minor child. Had I not been approved, I'm sure social services would have stepped in and I would have had a larger nightmare going on. As a single disabled parent, that would have been a horrible circumstance.


You have the added blessing of not having to have a trustee which is an indicator that you have working brain cells that can manage your money.



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I don't want to congraluate you being approved by SSI but it does mean you get steady income which is good to have. you are not dead so this is second act of your life. you are still here for a reason, so keep on figting with whatever you got with your best ability.




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sherry, whoohoo, that battle is over and you won. yes we are disabled/handicapped by something we didn't ask for. but the perk to this is a better parking spot and a sign to hang on our rearview mirrors, and the motorized carts in stores. ignore the stares from people because we look fine outside for some, its inside where the damage is. start your 2nd chapter with a toast to yourself, there will be others to get through down the road. but you will get through them. good luck and keep fighting the good fight.

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it's great that you can move forward now that you got things worrying you out of the way. as asha said, you can move on to a new chapter of your life. life won't be the same, but the important thing is it's better than it was a few days ago.we'lre always here to cheer you on with our support!

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Thank You Ladies


I was starting to think I should sell my house to buy groceries. Im just glad I didn't have to fight ss any more. Yes your rite now I can move on. Thank God I can relax now and concentate on me. Things realy are better then they were a few days ago. And definitly better than they were when I first found strokenet and all you wonderful people.


I thank God every day for You all and for my Life



ps trying to stay of the pitty pot!!!!!!! lol

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We all climb on the pity pot now and again even with recovery time under our belts. What we've learned to do oer try to remember to do (with our damaged brains lol) is to get off the pity pot and flush.


I, for one, still will have crappy days but they are less than what they were at the beginning.


Glad to hear you're feeling better.

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I'm happy to hear you're continuing to find that things will be fine and you now are finding some peace of mind in things that you don't necessarily want to hear, but at least put your worst fears to rest.

You sound so much better already!!!! Keep up the great work and be proud of yourself ~ you are the one who put all these wheels in motion.

Be well and hang in.

Luv ya,

Maria :friends:

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