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Life may not suck as much as you thought



When i joined this network the other night i was feeling like

"LIFE REALLY SUCKS!" After reading some of the other caregivers stories and the survivors I realize that my life may just be better than i thought it was. I really began to feel guilty that I complained in my entry. My husband is a lot better off than a lot of others and I should just be thankful for where we are in our lives and enjoy it. It's just hard to hold your head up all of the time. I guess i just needed a small pity party. Thanks for listening.


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We are all here to listen and to provide encouragement and virtual hugs as needed. Many of us have found the support here as a life preserver at a time when we were sinking in the murky waters of stroke. It's definitely not a picnic but remember you and your hubby are not walking this path alone - we're all here with you.

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hey Fairlakelady:


welcome to the wonderful world of blogging. when I joined this site at 35 I was complete wreck didn't want to live one more day, but after coming here found out my battles were far easier than lot of others, and I don't know when it happened but it happened my outlook on everything including my life has changed completely. I actually am thankful for stroke to be able to appreciate my second chance with my great family. I feel attitude is everything in all situations in life. I would love to know more about you and your story. I gather from your first entry you are caregiver. I can tell you one thing you caregivers make huge difference in quslity of lives of survivors. I know mine did.


Asha(38 yo survivor)

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Guest lwisman




I don't believe in comparing pain. Everyone here has their own and each of us sometimes thinks ours is the worst and some times not so bad.


Just keeping figuring out how to move to your next step.



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I'm with Lin, I don't believe in making comparisons, hard is just hard and all the battles survivors do with stroke and caregivers do with caring are HARD. We came from a world which was good into a world where, as one of our oldtimers used to say, "Normal" is just a setting on the washing machine.


We all have down times, times when we are blue, or having a full-on pity party and that is okay. It is okay to feel anger, to vent and to go right off the planet if that is how you are feeling. But as you say there are time when you suddenly see that life is getting better, you are more able to cope etc.


Welcome to the blogging world, we look forward to getting to know you better through your blogs.



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so glad you found us...as you have probably figured out already this is a great place to come when you need to complain - and we all have our days. i feel it is important to realize that our challenges, pain and triumphs are our own and not to be compared with others. one of the great things about this site is the non judgemental responses and help from others who really do understand our situation.i often will go to the message board and find strength and hope from other posts. kathy

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Welcome! Plese don't ever apologize for sharing your feelings. You have to get them out someplace or you will be headed to the hospital with a nervous breakdown. We understand more than others how you feel. Sometimes it just takes some venting to take the next step. There really aren't any better or worse situations here because the losses we feel are so personal to each of us. We all feel the same loss and we all just have to work through it. You're so right, it is very hard to hold our head up all the time and act like everything is just fine - because it isn't.


There is no reason to feel guilty for your honest thoughts. You will be better for venting them. I hope as you read the posts you will find hints that will make your job easier. I maintain that every experience we have in life is worth the cost if we can use it to help another. I believe every person here, survivor and caregiver alike, uses their experience to help another. I'm sure you will to - in fact your post has already helped us get to know you.




Ann Rogers

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