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it's been awhile since i have blogged...more news alerts regarding the most horrendous fraudulent treatments on the planet...i made my arrangements to pursue treatment at the above mentioned hospital in january after reviewing their website: www.tcmtreatment.com and several email exchanges with it's director...'dr' ming...after arriving in this 'hospital' on april 11 it took me one hour to realize that it was a total scam...the website is the best example of photoshop i could ever imagine...it needs to be nominated for an award...the actual building looks absolutely nothing like the website representation...it's located in an urban area of huaihua, unfortunately a completely depressing city in the middle of nowhere...the building was dirty, poorly lit, unheated and lacked an elevator...no elevator in a 'hospital' catering to foreigners with chronic illnesses!...the room they took me to was nothing like the room represented on their website...after asking for another room which was believe it or not worse, i left with my friend one hour after i arrived...we went to a hotel in huaihua whereupon my friend went back to the 'hospital' the next day to explore the possibility of my receiving the services as an outpatient...long story short, ming offered his 'hospital's' services to me as an outpatient for virtually the same cost as if i stayed as an inpatient...it didn't take me too long to figure out that this place is a totally fraudulent rip off...attracting foreigners ($$$$$) with chronic illnesses with the sole intention of duping them in every possible unethical way imaginable...there's a ton more detail i could go into including speaking with two other patients who were equally duped but dredging up this experience is far too unpleasant and enraging for me...they even stole the 'red cross' name to fraudulently associate themselves with this well known organization...and in a country like china with bigger problems than monitoring unethical hospitals catering to foreigners, they are getting away with it...i hope i can prevent someone else from pursuing any association with this despicable ruse...my god the damage a place like this does to tcm is so sad...i'll blog more about the rest of my stay in beijing soon...best to all, rich

ps...oh i have to add this...my chinese friend had bought me a gift which he kept in a separate bag apart from our luggage...the 'hospital' representative stole it while we were looking at the second room...!!!!


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  • Founder and Owner

Rich, thanks for keeping us informed. I think that everyone is slowly learning how bad things REALLY are in China.


Confusias say, "if you want it bad you get it bad"

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Thank you for the update. Sorry to hear the trip and the facility was not what was "advertised". I guess too, here the motto comes into affect - "buyer beware".

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Rich, thanks for keeping us informed. I think that everyone is slowly learning how bad things REALLY are in China.


Confusias say, "if you want it bad you get it bad"


hi steve...long time, no chat...:)...it is this horrible place in particular that is really bad...none of my criticisms extend in any kind of general way to china as a whole and certainly not to tcm in particular

...greedy misguided people exist in every country, within every race...thank god for forums such as these where they can be exposed for exactly what they are...best to you friend, rich

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Thank you for the update. Sorry to hear the trip and the facility was not what was "advertised". I guess too, here the motto comes into affect - "buyer beware".


indeed donna!...your hair would curl if i went on posting more details about this place...the final emotion i'm left with is anger at the audacity that people have to intentionally prey upon the chronically ill who are willing to travel, with great difficulty and expense, to the other side of the world only to be met with a big fat well prepared scam...here's one more for the karma police!!!!...best, rich

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Thank you for the update. Sorry to hear the trip and the facility was not what was "advertised". I guess too, here the motto comes into affect - "buyer beware".


indeed donna!...your hair would curl if i went on posting more details about this place...the final emotion i'm left with is anger at the audacity that people have to intentionally prey upon the chronically ill who are willing to travel, with great difficulty and expense, to the other side of the world only to be met with a big fat well prepared scam...here's one more for the karma police!!!!...best, rich


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Come home before you have another stroke. Please!




sweetsums...i've been home sweet home since may 12 but thank you for your concern just the same

... :cloud9:

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"it is this horrible place in particular that is really bad...none of my criticisms extend in any kind of general way to china as a whole"

Thanks Rich for saying that. Xenophobia is a problem that needs attention too.

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rich, how horrible for you, i'm sorry you are still having to see the evil deeds of mankind. this far from home. i understand your desire to get as better as you can post stroke. but i think you need to come home and look for other avenues to try and receive more positive results and not waste your money on foreign scam artists. they are everywhere and they don't care how they get your cash. just my thoughts anyway

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I would really enjoy and welcome an opportunity to speak with you about your current status... feel free when you have a moment! I sincerely hope you are well.

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