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who would want to be me?



we all hear about people taking some one's id these days. well, someone tried to take part of mine in the form of using my debit card. thankfully the bank caught it and the purchases did not go through. i did have to destroy my old card and apply for a new one. bad timing as i am going out to indianna on wednesday to stay with my aunt for a few weeks. guess these things never happen at the ideal time. i am not too crazy about this trip and i feel like i got conned into it.. first, i hate being away from home and the airport is not my friend. the story is too long and convoluted to explain how this whole situation even came about...we will drive back ...that is my aunt will. she is 79 and i think my job will be to keep her from falling asleep at the wheel. anyhow, it will all be over by mid june and i will just have to make the best of it. :Argh:


on a happy, happy note connor's birthday was a total groove! :happybday: i made him an elmo cake of his own and another for guests. they both turnned out well --when connor exclaimed "elmo" upon seeing his cake i was in grandma heaven. he got way too many gifts but i think that will always be the case with an only --and dearly wanted --child. as long as he learns to share all will be well. i tried to post a pic of the cake...i am so computer challenged!


my furry child sasha dog was limping last week and has been off her food lately...took her in to the vet for her annual shots a bit early --was shocked to learn she tested positive for lymes. very upset as we treat her monthly for heartworm and with frontline for ticks. she is now on antibiotics and will be monitored closely. i think we caught it in the early stage! the vet bill is astronomical!! :yeahrite: but what can you do? i just want her to be better.


not too much else going on here. have my ups and downs as usual. i am soooo tired ...but i really feel the pollen levels are partly to blame. have not been on the message board too often and i miss keeping up - lately i just don't get many of the things i want to do done....and life still goes on!


wishing everyone a happy and peaceful week! kathy


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Hi Kathy,


I'm sorry you aren't looking forward to your trip to Indiana! Before you know it you'll be home though. Riding shotgun can be fun, too! You are so right there never is a good time to lose a bank card. I'm so glad the bank called and caught it though.


We'll look forward to hearing about your adventure!!





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Have a safe trip Kath and try to think positive about it. Each day there is one day closer to returning home to your oasis. Glad the bank was on the ball and called you. Had you lost your card or did someone acquire your #? I'm glad all was resolved though. Connor's cakes were totally adorable - bet he was totally so thrilled.

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hey Kathy:


you were fortunate that bank caught problems early, and no monetary harm was done to you guys. Your trip will be fun too. That Cake looks so delicious. you are encouraging me to bake now.




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Ditto with the other posts for your bank catching your bank card use theft. Hope that never happens to me.


I hope you have a good time on your trip, in spite of yoursel! I try not to do anything which I think will make me feel uncomfortable, even if it is a function in our home town, especially with crowds or in the evening. As for traveling, we are re-thinking a few things ourself - we've gone to the Caribbean for the last time...too long on planes, in the airports, etc.


The Elmo cake you made is awesome...you are doing great in order to bake. I'm lucky to make an easy dinner. I try to focus on what I can do not what I can't.

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Your cakes could not have turned out better they are perfect!!!! Sorry about your bank card and Sasha. With the lymes caught early Sasha will be fine. Be sure to check yourself often also those suckers(literally) run rampantt up here as I'm sure you know being a native. The last thing you need is lymes. Try to enjoy your excursion. Be safe and remember you're not Thelma and Louise.



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Your cakes could not have turned out better they are perfect!!!! Sorry about your bank card and Sasha. With the lymes caught early Sasha will be fine. Be sure to check yourself often also those suckers(literally) run rampantt up here as I'm sure you know being a native. The last thing you need is lymes. Try to enjoy your excursion. Be safe and remember you're not Thelma and Louise.






I hope I'm doing this the correct way in trying to reply to your blog. That cake looks great I bet my little grand daughter would love one for her birthday. And I just noticed your picture for the first time. The avatar picture is almost the same way you wear your hair in the front. A complement!


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Kathy, your Elmo cake is great! The picture turned out fine.


I am a fairly new grandma myself (one granddaughter age 3, the other 17 months), and it is is the BEST! I bypassed "mom" completely and went straight to grandma - my stepson and step-daughter are the ones who have to do all the work, I have no kids of "my own", although I consider the "steps" like my own. Nothing like grandkids to make you feel like you are part of the world again - and the way they treat stroke survivors is wonderful. My dear husband stroked on 4/22/08, and the 3-year-old just acts like everything is normal - "Hi, Grandpa!" She's not upset, and doesn't treat him in the least bit different. I could definitely take a lesson from her. The 16 month old doesn't quite get it, but she too is very accepting and just wants to see if Grandpa will still tickle her tummy (he does). They are the absolute best.


xxx's and ooo's




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