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just an update



well life does go on, painfully at times. my son got served with divorce papers, he kinda expected that due to the fact that tonya was cheating on him with a father of one of her students, she lost her summer teaching job because the wife of this other man went up to the school and told them what was going on. hooray for her. she is going to lose her career if she doesn't watch out, but thats not our problem anymore. i am just having a hard time understanding this sweet girl, or i thought she was anyway. she is drinking so much now she is definitely an alcoholic, a home wrecker and many other things, we have found out. i guess it just goes to show, you never really know what lies beneath huh. matt is coping better now, she put an order of protection out against matt, pleezzee. that really hurt his feelings but i told him its probably for the best right now, to just stay away from her and it works both ways, she too has to stay away from him. thank god. he got a job now, thats a good thing after we went to see a lawyer, divorce aint cheap, but nothing is these days. we like the atty's we met with, and i pray they do a good job for matt. i went out twice this week and really challenged my walking ability. i went shopping and totally exhausted myself in this heat. now i truly see what is involved in shopping in a store, i did not feel confident, no help around to assist you. i couldn't bend down far enough to see what i was looking for since they seem to put what you need on the bottom shelves. i really couldn't push a cart by myself and my legs got very tired, no chairs to sit in to rest. i think shopping on line is better for me right now. i get nervous when i'm out with to many people and no where to sit and rest. but needless to say i got my exercise and was tired when i went to bed. my oldest found out we are having a boy, but i already knew that,LOL when he told me the baby's heart rate. baby's is growing and is healthy, no genetic problems, she had a amniocentesis done due to her high risk status. my hubby is in vegas working for awhile this week. so matt and i just kicking back and staying where its cool. its been in the high 100's most of this week, i should have stayed where it was cool and not gone out, it just wiped me out to much. i felt like crap when i got home, til i cooled off and rested for a bit. but i did try. yahoo for me,LOL. i think i need a cooler climate like pa. so watch out donna i might come for a visit soon. LOL i hope all dads have a great and blessed fathers day with their families. happy fathers dad to all of you out there in strokenet land. you deserve a bit of pampering for 1 day at least.


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Come on up is all I gotta say to you dear friend. You definitely got your exercise shopping. I haven't been in a store since we arrived here last year; that was in my w/c getting pushed. At least in the chair I could reach the low to the ground things - my problem is the up high items lol.

I send my teenager to the store - then wonder if she'll get what I have on the list - generally 1/2 the items I wanted are still on the store shelves when she returns home. That's a shame about Tonya - I would not have thought that of her when we met last year. Ya never know. Hope things go well for Matt now. Shame you couldn't go with your hubby on his business trip to Vegas. You have a grandson to look forward to - how cool.

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I think we should ship you east so we can all go shopping and complain about the cold. i can't reach the really high things I tip, but I can throw things at them and hope they tumble down. We'll improvise, be rebels and reek hovok. Sorry Matt is going through this. He'll be far better off in the long run of course we know, but that doesn't make the hurt less now.

Gee I wonder how you knew the baby would be a boy LOL

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Guest lwisman




Thought I would share some things I have learned about shopping.


Do most of your shopping online. There are no other people to bother you. If you shop where a store does not have a store in your state you don't have to pay tax. Often you don't have to pay shipping either. BTW, I find Amazon to be a great resource.


I have a rollater. It is great in crowds because it giveq you more support and it is big so it is obvious you have a walking problem. That helps to keep people from bumping into you. It has a built in seat, so I never have to look for a chair. It has a basket to put purchases in. The downside is that the basket is not very big.


Go to stores at a time when you know there will be fewer people. Early in the morning on a week day is good. Avoid weekends and holidays!


If you discover a store does not have wide aisles and/or has a tendency to stack boxes in aisles don't go back.


Ask for help if you need it. If the store is not helpful go somewhere else next time.


Happy shopping!

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I'm so sorry to hear about Matt & Tonya... better now.. than later. Yes shopping is an experience.. I try to go at less busy times. I started out in very small stores I knew well, so I could make a hasy retreat if needed. Some stores I go to with John or Tract and trey to avoid alone.


I am vertically challenged.... so I have always had problems with top shelves. I used to jump or put my toe on another shelf... not coorinted enough now, so I usually stand in the aisle until a taller person comes down the aisel and I engage them to get what I want. I also hate stuff onthe bottom shelves.. Most of grocery shopping is done wih John and i just do little shoppings during the week. Of course he hates clothes... or "fussy..looking" shopping so I do that on my own or when my daughter is here.


In Wal Mart the shoe section does have places to sit to try on shoes.... Kohl's has benches to sit on near dressing rooms, in the middle of the stores ...


Hope the heat settles down, It is cool up here.. just getting some days in the mid 60's now... so if you come to WASH. bring sweatshirts I have flannel sheets fo when my mother in law visits....




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