Tired of Doctors and their attitudes!
We have spent 2 days going to doctors and I am so tired of them and their attitudes. I wish I had more nerves to call their game and tell them what I think. We went yesterday to a neurologist-opthamologists and he kinda looked at us like we were country bumpkins and no need to explain anything to us. He put Mike through a battery of tests. Never bothered to speak to me even when I had to answer the questions for Mike. Then he tells us that Mike has lost half of his lower quandrant vision. I saw the test and the areas that showed the results. Then he tells Mike that next year he can just go to his own optometrist unless he just wants to come back up there! I said wait a minute you mean you are not going to do anything to help him? He just waved his hand as if discarding us and said oh it is quite common with strokes to have this happen, and there is nothing to do. I asked about prisms or something. Well, he says, his is not bad enough for that. I said, so he is supposed to just sit on the couch and try to see the tv and walk around dizzy? Oh well, the dizziness is not the eyes it is the brain. I was so angry I wanted to jerk that little wad of gray hair off his head and say look, THis is a real person, YOU don't know him, nor what he has been through and he deserves a lot more respect and compassion than you have given him! But instead i was ready to burst into tears and just walk out. I spent most of the day trying to get in touch with another doctor to get a refill on his high blood pressure medicine. (which keeps him from having another stroke. and couldn't get her) Finally had to beg another doctor to give him a months worth.
Yesterday was my birthday and I hate to think the rest of the year will be like yesterday. Spent it crying. :happybday:
Why does life have to be soooo hard?? Why can't one thing, just one thing be easy>>>>>I am so tired.
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