Kyle and the shower...
Hello everyone
I just checked in on the J Room and found a post that Mama J posted a short time ago.
Here it is.
Darlene Jay wrote
at 9:40pm
Hello to all it has been a few days of a very busy schedule. Kyle is doing well he continues to get stronger each day and voice is working as a few words coming out. He now enjoys sips of Gatorade off a spoon and now can ask for more. Then he burps and laughs, first time he burped in three months. Tomorrow he is having his first shower in nearly 4 months and is he some excited.
So Kyle continues to climb the ladder of recovery (one step at a time)
I hope you enjoy your shower Kyle...
p.s. I have been working on getting a webcam up and running. Ed Dale of The Thirty Day Challenge has enabled posting video comments on The Thirty Day Challenge Blog. (really cool)
So I thought you might like to see my very first video comment that I posted on the blog earlier today.
The content may not make sense to you as the comment is in reply to a video post that Ed posted on the blog.
Keep needing to try new things eh. lol
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