More therapy
I have just about come to terms with the fact that my husband (his name is Mickey) will not be coming home. When the stroke first happened and for months after i was conviced and completely sure that i would bring him home, maybe in a wheelchair but he would be with me at home. It was hard, hard, hard to face that. I still cry about it and wish it were different and would do anything to change that. But through this website I have learned that his safety is first and in his condition he would not be safe at home. I have never been impressed with money and never wish for money, but I wish I had lots of money now. With lots of money I could bring my Mickey home and have him safe because I could pay for it. But that is not reality. So I visit him everyday and bring him his favorite foods and hold his hand and watch TV with him. I can sweeze in his bed with him and watch the baseball game and he rubs my arm and hand and its wonderful. I am lonely as all heck at home, but I am thankful for what I do have.
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