More doctor appointments
Last week I went to see the pain management doctor. He put me on naproxen for the arthritis and it seems to be working. He also said the knee brace I bought from Wal Mart was not working so I have an appointment on Monday to get sized for another AFO. He also told me the wrist support I was wearing was not helping and to wear the splint which straightens my wrist and fingers as much as possible. Sometime it is discouraging seeing him because he always prescribes medicine. I am up to 2030 mg of meds daily. I guess its worth it. I just wish he had a magical pill that would put me back to normal again . Its like he tries to work his way around the stroke and make up solutions for the minor things...but I guess that is his job.
Today I went to see the neurologist. I told him about my headaches and seizure-like feelings so I have to go back for an MRI and EEG to make sure everything is ok. My dad is worried because he just took me off his work insurance since I receive medicaid now and he is scared I am going to use up all of my doctor visits for the year. Has this happend to anyone?
Well in other news I have done a lot of sitting around the house. I only work at my internship twice every 2 weeks so I have had a lot of time on my hands. On Monday I cleaned up my room from 8 in the morning until 8 that night and did laundry (including hanging my clothes on the line single handedly) :Clap-Hands: . My dad was so proud of me that he cried because my room is spotless and I guess it amazes him at how much I can do using one hand. I have also been trying to exercise more. I have been wearing the splint for majority of the day and I try to exercise the arm in hopes of it looking better in time for school. I am thinking of prchasing a Nintendo Wii and buying the Wii fit. I never played it but I know it is an exercise game so it could possibly help with motivation to exercise. Oh yeah I also cooked dinner one day. I made beef stir fry with corn and beef fried rice. I like to cook because it makes me feel good.
Well just in case I dont write again before Thursday, wish me luck on persuading the DMV to allow me to drive.
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