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lady k


I have tried to add to this several times but it just disappears, so here goes another try, I am staying here in Texas, last I spoke to husband was May, he said basically don't call me 'll call you, so I know going back is not the right thing, I 'm really glad it happened before I went back, now I've received the first money from my Mom's estate, hoping will be enough to buy a small house and have my own place, I'm going to look at a place next week, I think with a riding lawn mower I will be able to keep up the lawn, what doesn't dry up from the summer heat, I hope to have a little garden, maybe a raised bed so I can garden a little, raise some veggies, and stuff, maybe get a dog if Kat will let me, lot's of people at church have volunteered to help paint, is nice to get some bills paid off, I will put back the same amount as the rent I pay now to save up to pay for maintenance costs


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I love that phrase " a little home of my own" and hope that it works out for you. There is a lot of support in your church by the sound of it and that will quickly turn any house you get into a home.


Sad that going back to your husband didn't work out but sometimes it is like that. Now you just have to do the things YOU want to do and gardening in a raised garden bed sounds great. Imagine fresh veggies and herbs just waiting to be picked..usually with me I have to beat an number of insects to the crop though...lol.


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(((Hugs))) from Sue.

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Bless your heart sweetie. Sorry things did not work out with hubby but in the bigger scheme of things, it's better to find out now rather than go back to him and be "jumping from the frying pan into the fire".


Hope you get your "little place of your own" and can do your garden. You have your church friends and your friends here rooting for you.


God Bless

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so happy to see your blog, I was wondering where were you. I am sorry it didn't work out with huby, but I think I agree with other ladies, it's better that it happened now before you actually moved in. buying your own house sounds like great idea, maybe you can look into townhouse where you don't have to worry about lawn mowing and stuff. I am sure everythig will work out for you the way God intented it. your church friends sounds real gem. these kind of people you want as your friends.




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