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Hello everyone and thank you for your comments. I might sound like it was a breeze but it wasn't. I made a lot of mistakes that I am paying for today. But life goes on and we try not to repeat those mistakes and enjoy what we have. If anyone needs questions answered or want to know anything about my experience, please feel free to send me an IM , I will be more than happy to tell my story about how I did or did not do things. Thank you for reading me.




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It is a definite pleasure getting to read about you and in turn getting to know you. Stroke recovery is definitely not a breeze and clear sailing. For those able to overcome what has been dished out, it makes us stronger individuals I feel.

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It is a definite pleasure getting to read about you and in turn getting to know you. Stroke recovery is definitely not a breeze and clear sailing. For those able to overcome what has been dished out, it makes us stronger individuals I feel.

Donna, Yes for sure it makes us stronger, I don't know how many times I heard" you are so brave, I know I could not have coped with it the way you did" I tell them that I had no choice in the matter, I was given lemons and I had to make lemonade because I was the only one who could do it, plus I had a hard head, that helped too. Thanks for your comments.



24 year survivor


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