Chance of a break with the carers support group
I belong to my local carers support group and they rang to say they are going to the country from the 6th Oct -11th Oct and did I need a break. Do I need a break!!!! I sure do. I have never had a break since Bill had is stroke last May, he will not go into respite. I have plenty of time to try and change his mind as I have said yes and we will see what happens.
I do need a break and everyone, including our doctor as tried to explain to Bill that I need to recharge my batteries but he is stubbon and plays up refusing to go. I may need to make up his mind for him but we feel it would be better if Bill agreed to go and it not be only me making him go into respite. Bill knows I have health issues of my own and get very fatigued from my illnesses but it still does not sway him to go into respite so I can have a rest. I have told him if I get sick and end up in hospital he will be put into care then where will he be but he thinks he can look after himself while I am away.
He is having a nap now which is very unusual as he hardly ever has a nap. He is up at 7-30am these cold mornings, I get up at 7am, put the heating on then make his breakfast ready for him getting up. In the warmer weather he was up at 6am as well as me and I hate getting up that early as I used to get up about 8am. Bill has always been an early riser.
I am now going to put the wood fire on and make a cup of coffee. I have enjoyed writing down my feelings it is helping me as I don't have anyone I can talk to about this. Even going to the carers support group they all know each other as they have been going for a long time and I have not had a chance to talk but listen to them talking about their problems as I have only been twice.
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