Deconstruction for Dummies
Larry has always been an inveterate writer of notes, and I find his scribblings all over the house (I affectionately call them FLNs, which stands for "F***ing Little Notes", and they are everywhere - tucked into magazines, jotted on Post-It's and stuffed into books, written on the realtor's free note pads. As he watches TV late at night he woudl make notes about anything that he found interesting and then go research it later. Just part of who he is and I was not pahing a lot of attenion. I should have been, because these are just a handful of the hundreds that I've found:
-I expect to live less than 5 years
-My cremation will not be complete until the last of my books are burned
-Disengagement: I have always had trouble understanding people who believe in God
-Lost Life: Vita perdita
It goes on and on. There is stuff like this all over the house. I feel like the wife in "A Beautiful Mind", who went out to the shed and found her husband's crazy notes all over the place and finally realized something was wrong. Larry is/was a brilliant man, but came with that whole dark side that seems to plague genius, which he was, and still is, somewhere. I miss him.
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