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Busy summer!



Sue reminded me a few days ago that I hadn't blogged in some time, so here goes. I sometimes wonder if I have much to contribute to this forum anymore since I don't talk much about stroke related issues here. We were reminded this week how blessed we have been. A friend of a friend of ours had a stroke and died within a week. I count my blessings everyday, especially after a hard day of work or play and I am sore the next day.


I'll try to give you a bit of an update of our summer so far, in a word---busy! As you know, summers are short up here, so we pack as much as we can into them. After Lesley's return from New Zealand, the bread business got going in earnest. We now sell about 50 loaves every Saturday at the local farmers market. She has expanded into scones, cookies, and some fresh garden produce as available. Last week all was gone in 1 1/2 hours. One lady bought 10 loaves! My job in all of this is to get the oven ready, a two day job. I fire the oven on Thursday for six hours, then on Friday for an hour or so just before she bakes. She has even got me helping put seeds on the bread and some other chores just before baking. The results of all this effort are truly worth it, the bread is yummy. We have experimented with several different types, but now seem to have settled on a seven grain, whole wheat with and without wild rice, buckweat with wild rice, and a Swedish rye. Up here the wild rice is a big deal, the locals use it in everything. We now get calls on Fridays reserving some for Saturday pickup as the locals know we sell out fast.


Other than the bread, it has been a good summer of fishing. Wind has been more of a problem this year than usual, but the fishing has been good. I am a bit sore today, I took a vacationing cousin to my favorite lake and showed him some very good fishing. It is too much of a trip for me to do on my own now days, so promising him a great day of fishing was a great excuse for me to see the lake again. I had not been there since before my stroke. We paddled about 10 miles and carried our gear over a 1000 ft portage thru the woods to get there (and back). I phone call this morning confirms he is as sore as I am, very satisfying to me that I was able to stay up with him.


My new light weight kevlar canoe is wonderful and has really extended the fishing I can do. I am the envy of all my friends.


The basement finishing project has also gone forward on windy, non-fishing (or bread) days, and is nearly done. I am putting the ceiling in as the last part. Then comes finishing the garage before winter sets in, we have decided to heat in this winter, so insulating it is a must. Probably the insulation is all that will get done this year, my plate is pretty full now.


I am having arthroscopic surgery on my right non-stroke side shoulder in September. We scheduled it then so I could rehab over the winter (something I am used to), and hopefully be able to run the snow blower before we get any heavy snow.


Our dogs Jasmine the Bichon and Tippy the Springer Spaniel have been swimming several times this year and love it. Tippy just jumps in and away she goes. She has also become my fishing partner in the boat and also the canoe. We walk in the woods together, swim together. She knows the signs of me getting ready to go fishing, and hops into her place in the SUV ready to go. She has become my mate. Now that the raspberries are ripening, she has also learned how good they are, and helps herself to the ones she can reach. Lesley took her blueberry picking yesterday, apparently she likes them too.


We had a bear walk thru the front yard, around the house and down the driveway a few weeks ago. fortunately I saw it before Tippy did, she would have probably have treed it as it was a small one probably a three year old, first year away from momma. I grabbed Tippy and carried her into the house, and got Lesley to see it.


Lesley and a neighbor lady have decided to have a "block" party in a few weeks. But since so few people live on our road, we had to expand it a bit to include friends, etc.


Other than that, we have had a quiet summer.


P.S. I rarely talk about my medical condition anymore. I don't want to be one of those crotchety old men that people don't want to be around because all he talks about is his medical problems. If asked, I give a brief update, otherwise I just get on with it. I would much rather be known as the guy that "you know he had a stroke, but you would never know it". Believe me, I know it everyday.


My coffee cup is empty, you know what that means.


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hey George:


I love to read your blogs not for your stroke related terapies or stroke related stuff. I enjoy reading your blog which proves to me again and again there is very meaningful & fun filled life post stroke. I love your attitude towards life & that's what attrcts me to your blog. so keep on coming we miss our friends around here.




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Hey George. I second what Asha said. The reason I love your blogs is because you treat every day as a good day, it is full of your country life adventures and dog tales and you are just getting on with life. We have a lot of people reading these blogs who need to know that you are able to do what you do and if you are sore, so is the other fellow, it is life-related not just stroke related.


I also like to keep up with what Lesley is doing as we are both Antipodeans. Wish I could reserve a couple of loaves of bread and pick them up on Saturday. If I could teletranport I would be right there...lol.


Thanks for blogging.



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Gald to hear you, Leslie, and the furry ones are enjoying your summer. I 3rd what Asha and Sue have said. I too wish I could order a loaf of the homemade bread to pick up. I bet the smells of those loaves baking are heavenly. Thinking about it makes my mouth water and makes we think about grabbing the jar of peanut butter - warm homemade bread with peanut butter.

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