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We all need good friends....



Hi again everyone


I just checked in on the J Room and found two posts from Mama J so here they are.



Darlene Jay wrote

at 9:45pm on August 3rd, 2008

It has been a lazy weekend for Kyle, lots of sleeps and eat and sleep again. It was such a shitty weekend who wouldn't just wanna sleep. Kyle continues to improve and eating like a frigging horse this is good and hopefully next week maybe feeding tube will be gone. Yahoo.


Darlene Jay wrote

at 9:18pm

another great day for Kyle. Worked really hard today and body is getting stronger each day. Spelled the alphabet with his right hand the weak one today and did awesome. Had a great evening with all his buddies and laughed till couldn't breath. He is so lucky to have such great friends.


Sounds like Kyle is working toward finding his new normal. He is so fortunate to have a loving, caring family, friends and community support to make him laugh and feel life again.


Would'n it be a wonderful thing if every stroke survivor had the kind of friends that could help them regain a measure of life again.


Hay we all do and it's called the Stroke Community of which the Stroke Network is a very large part. It is vvvii.


vvvii is a new phrase and stands for "very, very, very. important indeed"


So always remember that All of our family, friends, support communities (like the Stroke Network) and all of our stroke buddies (that includes caregivers) are VVVII.


So a BIG THANK YOU to all of our families, friends and stroke buddies here and everywhere.


Smiles :)




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Keep plugging away Kyle. You have many who've got your back and wish the very best for you.




You stated "vvvii is a new phrase and stands for "very, very, very. important indeed""


So true, so true dear friend


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hey Gary& Kyle:


Kyle pretty soon you will realize this is just new bump in life's journey. stroke just puts perspective in life & in my mind it makes life more interesting & you realize how beautiful the whole world is when viewed with awe & gratidute. I will tell my son that I am now part of vvvii club. friends and family are utmost important in our recovery journey. It gives us that drive to get better there is so much to life we all still need to experience, can't make stroke hamper our living life experience.


we are all rooting for you Kyle & can tell you THERE IS STILL GREAT LIFE POST STROKE. I will be waiting for that day when you come here & tell us that.




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