its been a while..
Hi everyone. My name is Kristi, some of you may remember me. My mom is Donna the validation moderator for the site and I used to have another account but I asked her to delete it. The reason was because I never knew what to write. And most the time my mom just told you everything. But at times it got harder, and now I just need somewhere to vent to and maybe you all will listen.
So since I havent wrote....I have much to catch up on. First of all this blog is especially for my auntie asha (you wanted my it is =)
I have been enjoying my summer as much as I can. I try to be out with all my friends but mom yells at me because im never home. Please explain to her that I am almost 16 (in 5 dayss!!!) and I want to be with friends. But oh well...I dont think she'll listen (:
Right now we're at my aunts. She took us(me and mom) for the weekened and today we got our hair done. I got a lot cut off and a dye job. I kinda like it..its a lot different than what I'm used to. Then we went in search of my dress. You see I really wanted a cute sundress for my party with my family. I didnt get exactly what I wanted but mom likes it. It's black,grey and pink and I wear it with leggings...I look like a little kid (:
About guyyss...ugh thats a little bad. I was dating this 18 year old and he was great. The only problem was my best friend hated him and I was scared of we ended up breakin up. Then I started dating this other guy..he was 16. He was sweet and nice..the only problem..he felt like a friend, nothing more and nothing less. So i decided a couple days ago to break up with him. We agreed to become better friends and then see where it took us. The next day mom had a drs appointment so my best friend came over and me and her invited him. We were all in my room just listenin to music and he tried holding my hand and putting his arm around me. I was a little upset because I broke up with him.
Now he says he wants me does the first one. I guess you still have lots of drama even over summer.
Things at home? Mom and me get along but we fight alot. I just wish she would understand more that im growing up. My uncle still hates me, I wrote my grandma in az a letter and she even wrote back.
Oh well. Im exhausted. Asha auntie;;i hope this was enough drama for you (:
until nxt timee..
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