A forbidding vision of the future?
Many years ago, when Teddy was just a puppy and we were returning back to Colorado from Arkansas, I had a very 'sick' thought. We were driving through Kansas, in the middle of nowhere. As we were driving I had a very odd thought. I could very easily just pull off to the side of the road, dump Teddy out of the car and just keep driving.
Even thinking about that now upsets me. Obviously, I did not do it but ,I find it interesting in a way that is what my family did to me.
I thought about what would happen to Teddy: Most likely he would have gotten run over, or killed by a predator.
However, if he did survive, what would he be like.
Basically; I recalled I had a responsibility to Teddy and even far more important was Teddy trusted me.
The situation with my family is close to coming to an end, but that thought still haunts me.
I did survive, but my bitterness and hurt is very deep.
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