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Summer winding down & basement pic's



Summer here is starting to wind down, night time temps are bouncing all over the place and sometimes nearing frost levels. Daytime temps are still very nice, but wind is becoming more pronounced. The leaves are starting to show some color, and the raspberries are plentiful. Tippy and I pick whatever is left from the bear's rummaging thru the night. Fishing is also winding down, but has been good this year and still some to come (hopefully).


Attached are some pic's of the basement finishing project I have been doing since last winter. All done now except for the ceiling in some areas, that will wait until next winter. It took several boxes of band aids to cover the many cuts and scrapes incurred thanks to the blood thinner I am on, but am healing up now. When I started this project the basement was just four bare walls, with and open stair with no walls or rails.


I just insulated the garage and put up some wall covering so we can heat the garage some this winter. We have the heater installed, and I hired a young lad to help me insulate the ceiling. The project will get finished one of the upcoming winters, but it is to the point where we can heat it now.


The rush is on to finish the necessary things before winter sets in and I have my surgery on my right shoulder next month. After that surgery, I should have a few months of rest and healing from my many cuts and scrapes. Then more rehab so I can regain my strength to finish the ceiling in the basement and get ready for next summers projects and more fishing. Lesley already has some projects lined up for me next summer, covering and screening in the deck, expanding the raised bed garden, and moving some gravel. I have noticed that to Lesley the words "he" and "we" seem to have the same meaning when used in reference to work projects, and "want" and "need" also seem to have the same meaning. I joke about it, but really don't mind, it keeps me active and off the couch.


Tippy and I went fishing the other day, and it proved to be one of those days when everything that could go wrong did.

After both batteries for my electric motor quit, as did the depth finder, one reel, and several other problems arose like the wind blowing the boat into a reef which proved to be a problem getting out of, I told Tippy it was time to go home, which we did. The good news was we had several fish on the stringer, which are now in our freezer for winter consumption.


Lesley has just awakened from a good sleep after the very successful block party we had last night. A good time was had by all, and we will likely do it again next year.


The next blog I will try to post some pic's of Lesley in the garden and also making bread, don't know how to reference two albums in the same entry and this one has gone on long enough anyway.


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hey George:


your basement looks amazing better than ours which was done by builder. you have bathroom in basement wow that means you can even have kitchen with sink in basement. you amaze me with what you can do even after stroke. I look forwatd to Lesley's baking pictures.




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Terrific job - You deserve a HUGE pat on the back for the job you did. Excellent pictures. Sounds like fall is definitely at your back door and winter/snow not too far behind.

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