it is a meditation
:Hi: well, summer is almost offically over. here on cape cod that means a flood of holiday makers hitting the road to celebrate labor day. :yikes: both bridges have up to 8 miles of traffic back up and it is only thursday. barry and i have already implemented our standard method of surviving.....lay in supplies and stay off the roads! :Munch: :bookread: soon the traffic will l thin and my favorite month of october will arrive. i love the cooler weather and the fall colors along 6A are lovely....not to mention most vacationers are gone.
my tomotaoe harvest continues and i have been sharing with my neighbors. i have started planting mums along the border of our front lawn patch of land. planting and weeding is like a i plant my focus is in the moment,on what i am doing and my mind clears. i can only do a bit at a time and planting one handed can be challenging but i love the time i spend with the plants. sasha, my furry companion, sits by and soaks up the sun and for a few minutes i find all is right with the world.
i met my new cardiologist yesterday and feel we will get on just fine....i have to do all the tests to make sure my ticker is ticking as it should......and so far my new parts appear to be working well. when i asked about having to replace my current valve replacement my doc said they can last between 7 to 10 years. yipee! :big_grin: i can put that out of my mind for a bit. i also followed up this week with my primary doc and we got all the paperwork started for all those yearly exams that are required.
i am searching in my local area for a painting class. i have always wanted to give it a try. i have taken drawing and sculpture (none of which i do well ...but have given me joy) : :artist: found an easel at a yard sale and just got inspired......will see were this leads.
hubby will be leaving in 9 days for a 2 week trip in england. my sister will visit for 6 days and then i will hang out on my own. like donna, i have been training for his time away.....not only myself, but the furry children, who can be very demanding. that is about it in my neck of the world. having some good days...some not so good days and doing the best i can cheers! kathy
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