I have a need Entry posted by jstern September 15, 2008 524 views Share More sharing options... Followers 0 I feel a need for blogging. I have nothing to say, mind you,just want to blog. Guess you might call it a need for attention, or something if you were critical.
HostAsha Posted September 15, 2008 hey Janice don't be hard on yourself. I feel blogging is hugely therupetic. if you don't think you have anything to blog, maybe you can write things you learnt post stroke about you blog, we did that series, but I guess by that time you were becoming inactive in here. Asha Quote Link to comment
jstern Posted September 15, 2008 Yes, I did take a hiatis from blogging and frequenting strokenet. I had no beef with strokenet, just had had my say and needed to get busy with life again. Mostly, due to when my husband had his 2nd cancer surgery..esophogeal cancer in 2005. ( previously had colon cancer in 1996) I'm not sure what you mean by writing things I've learned about me blog.????? Quote Link to comment
dstraugh Posted September 15, 2008 Janice, I think many of us go through periods where we want to blog but nothing is really going on in our lives that feel anyone would be interested in. Perhaps reading and replying to other blogs might spark a subject for you to blog about. You've got extra time on your hands now that you've got no more kittens to care for. It's amazing how much time we can spend with our furry friends. Quote Link to comment
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