What's next?
Does anybody know what's on the horizon? What will happen if I do xyz? How about LMN? What if I'm not able to do it?
What am I willing to do to commit to doing IT? How can I be sure 'IT' is the right thing to do?
Guess I"m waxing philosophical today. It all boils down to what my values are, huh? What are my goals, especially now that I'm disabled?
One major goal is: to not be a whiner. I don't want to be a 'burden' to my husband. Yet, what am I capable to do?
I really don't have answers here, I'm just wondering 'out loud'.
My values today are the values I had before my stroke. My faith is in God, even though I questioned Him and His existance especially right after my stroke. I couldn't figure out what I had done to deserve the stroke. But, what does anyone do to 'deserve' anything they get? I 'deserve' nothing good. It's only by His mercy that I"m alive and have what I do. It's His GRACE that allows me to enjoy what my life is today.
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