I hate life. Its so stupid. Why do good things even happen if bad things follow it? Whats the point in getting happy just to get slapped in the face with sadness? Why do people attend your funeral but wasent even there to kep you from killing yourself. why is everyone so selfish. what is love?
fathers abandon sons
mothers choose men over daugters
families hate each other
friends forget about each other
husband and wife divorce
people say no one can love me until i love myself. but how am i supposed to love myself i dont even know what love means? why when i talk to God he dont talk back? Why diid God put sickness on earth. why is it so hard to get in heaven and take so long. why does God kill people who werent ready to die but make people who attempt suicide suffer even more on earth. why somebody who smoke live their whole life with no stroke but inncocent young person strokes.
i domt undesrstand. im tired of trying
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