Going on respite
I am pleased to say I am going to have a break.
Son Steve & family came down last Saturday for a few days as the kids are on 2 weeks holiday. They left Wednesday, Steve could not get his dad to change his mind and go into respite while I went to the country with the carers support group so he told me he wanted me to have this break and he would look after his dad.
He will come down on the Mon night, I leave 9am Tuesday morning 7th Oct and come back 5pm Friday 10th Oct. His wife Jenny said she did not mind as they know I need this break, it will be the first break since he had his stroke over 16 months ago.
Here is a link to the place where the carers are going to, all paid for
The Cumberland Marysville and Villa Day Spa
all I have to take is spending money for extra drinks and souveniers etc. I am even booked in for a free massage as that is covered by the community/government program for carers.
I feel so grateful to have a caring son like him and that our daughter in law understands, she is a lovely girl. The live in the country 3 hours away from us and they have 4 kids 17 boy, 15 boy, 12 girl and 10 year old boy.
I can't wait until next week. :cloud9:
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