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It's hard to get past the doctor's secret service police



Yesterday, I tried to call my doctor's office to follow up on my appointment last week. They make you jump through so many hoops it's crazy! First you have to get past the automated system directing you to make an appointment. Then, if you're lucky you get the menu listing the nurses for each of the doctors in the office. So, then, I left a message on the nurse's voicemail, and have been waiting for a call back from her for over 24 hours. Honestly, you'd think I was trying to talk with the president, there's so much 'security' to get past to even get a simple question answered.


I'm still waiting, but will attempt again later this morning. :laughbounce: (I'm not really laughing, but the look on the face of this emoticon is right on.) There should be a emoticon showing the lips being bounced by the index finger. I can't even describe it. I can only demonstrate . :dribble:


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Guest lwisman




On some systems you can press 0 at anytime and bypass the menus. A real person answers. This works for me about 75% of the time I try.

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