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Last Chance for Veiwing the Aspens



On Thursday, Patrick and I decided it was now or never to take a drive into the mountains and get some pictures of the Aspen trees in all their fall glory. I am so glad we did! The day was sunny and gorgeous and we were able to get some great pics.


We started up the mountain around 11am with our delicious lattes (sugar free, skinny vanilla, 1/2 the syrup...I am SO that person) and Peter Gabriel playing on the CD player. We drove the same basic route that we took last year. It starts in a quaint little mountain town that I swear I will stop in one day just to mill around. We then continue up the mountain where it seems you just round a curve and the aspens are suddenly enveloping you.


We would pull off the road here and there and take a couple of pictures. That's when I decided to look at what I had snapped so far and realized there was no chip in the camera. DUH! Luckily, we had not yet reached the pinnacle of our journey so I was able to get plenty of pictures before we headed back down. BTW, funny how it looks so different coming back the other direction. There were several places we had intended to visit on the way back but could not find them because the views seemed so different. I guess it was not meant to be.


We then continued on past the road we came up and went to the next mountain town, Estes Park. While we were in Estes, we came across four deer on a bike path. We pulled over and got some pictures of them. Then we pressed on, and about a mile down the road we came across a small herd of elk. They were to our left, to our right, and right in front of us. They had us surrounded! Luckily I still had the camera in my lap from the deer so I was able to get some really great pictures of them. The baby was my favorite.


Patrick then drove us down the mountain back home. This was exciting because it was the first time since his stroke that he has driven in the mountains. He did a great job and I was able to take in the scenery which is something I haven't been able to do for a long time. A good time was had by all that day!





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I'm so glad you and Patrick enjoyed your outing. I enjoyed the pictures. The wonder of nature huh.


Super on Patrick being able to negotiate the mountain driving.

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wow what a breathtaking view who wants to go to hawaii if you can have these kind og beauty right in our own backyard. all your fall pictures are breathtakinging beautiful. have you done photography course before. I am glad you guys had great time together. there is life post stoke too.




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Beautiful photos, Patrick would have felt so good driving back home. It makes you feel so good when you have had a good day out together.


Thank you for sharing.




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Thanks for the comments!

I have not taken any photography classes, I can barely operate our camera to be honest (hence the "no chip" incident). But it's hard to screw up when there is so much to take pictures of!


It was a nice way to spend the day. (Our 9th wedding anniversary was the next day!)


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You may not be a photographer but I think you captured the highlights of the day well.


Each place has it's own beauty and it is so good to get out in the countryside for a day. I am afraid I don't do as much of that as I would like to.


Thanks for sharing.



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Kristen, thanks for sharing the photos. What a lovely day for a trip in the mountains with the aspen, the deer and elkand even someone to share the driving. Color me green with envy.


Maybe one day I'll come for that promised visit and you can show me the beauties of your state, then maybe you can come here and I'll show you mine...lol.


Congrats on the anniversary, every year is precious.



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Hey Kristen


Happy be-lated anniversary to you and Patrick. See that you got more pictures posted (even the elk). Gorgeous scenery and precious animals. You should submit them for amateur photography contests.

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Aha another who knows the secret of the tall skinny vanilla latte - skim milk, sugar free vanilla syrup, throw in a couple of splendas, tastes like the real thing and all for just 90 calories!


you're pictures are gorgeous and all I needed to get me started again. My husband and I spent a week in Colorado in August. We came home with me asking when we could put the house on the market and flooding his work email with realty listings. He finally managed to get me off that kick, but your pics are all I need to put me hot on thr trail again.


Happy belated anniversary


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