now i remember why we thought florida might be a good place to is quite chilly here! i just installed my heated birdbath for the winter months and added a new bird feeder to the others - kathy's spa is bird ready. i also hung up two rattan like pods that are hollow for the birds to have some protection beyond just trees and bushes as it grows colder. in a fit of recycling frenzy i picked up the dog hair from sasha's latest brushing and lined the bottom of the pods. should be, warm, soft and cozy.
we are all ready for holloween here. connor will be a dinosoar this year...purple no less. i just spent the afternoon making 2 dozen mini cupcake spiders for his daycare party. they turned out great but icing and decorating one handed is a challenge. the spider legs - made of black licorice strands were a real humdinger to do! i only lost one cupcake...guess that spider went up drain spout......
i have always tried to make at least one of my holiday presents and this year i am sewing pillow cases. sport themes for guys, animal themes and frilly for others. they are turning out okay and i am feeling creative.......which leads me to the article on art therapy in the last newsletter. i signed up for a drawing and water color class at our local tech. my first project was a teapot. well, it did look like a tea pot but it was quite lopsided......gee! that was what my brain saw. the same side affected by my stroke on the drawing was off. that was a big eye opener for i am really challenging the old grey matter. i drew an apple with colored pencils and am now working on a fall watercolor scene complete with barn and trees. i am really no good but i am having a blast AND it got me out into a new place...something i don't much like to do.
i had a real sad rough spot during october but with some help from my cyber friends and especially kimmie, i was able to bounce back pretty well. i finally realized that when i get tired i just don't do well at all and go down hill from there. the issue is how to participate in life as fully as i can and still live to tell about it! lol. going to the library, a friend's party for an hour or an afternoon with the grandson just sucks every bit of life out of me. it is very hard to accept that if i want to play i will always have to pay. i am not sure there is a balance...if i do something all my energy is gone.
i know that asha blames me for her week of single parenthood...well, she should know that since i did okay when barry went on his trip he is now planning 10 days in florida this january. i know i will be okay...i will just stock up on cereal and tell asha not to tell her hubby.
happy holloween to all....may it be safe and scarey!
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