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The Colonoscopy



Well yesterday wasent so bad. Not eating didnt really bother me and I found that drinking the stuff through a straw realy fast wasent so bad. I mixed in a cherry flavor pack so it kind of tasted like strawberry milk. It wasent until 2 hours later when it started working that the naussea and vomiting started. It took everything in me to finish the entire 4 liters. I went to sleep at about 2:00am and had to get up at 6am. The procedure went well. There was no cancer or polyps. I have a hemorrhoid though. I dont really understand how I have one at such a young age but the doctor said it can be treated with over the counter medicine. I am still getting over a cold I caught about a week ago so. My dad wants to keep an eye on me so I wont be going back to school until tomorrow. I am still stressed over school. I have a month (minus thanksgiving break) to complete 20 community service hours and 3 week to turn my Cs and Bs into As and get ready for finals while remaining active in my clubs & organizations as president, financial secretary, team leader, webmaster, and member of 2 other clubs. Please pray for my strength. Tomorrow I have a full day ahead of me starting from class at 10am until a meeting that doesnt end until 8:30 at night. I guess then I will try to catch up on work I missed. So for now I am going to write my thesis for dracula, review Biology, SHOWER, and get some more rest. Thanks everyone for your continous support

P.S I really enjoyed reading about Sharon in this month's newsletter. Knowing that she experienced the same thing I did and went on to earn a PhD really inspired me not to give up and keep doing the best I can in school.


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I will pray for your strength but I know you have that strength with in you to excel in everything you put mind too. I sometime envy you that because of your young age you still have potential to shape up your life and become whatever you want. have you read miracles happens by quadraplegic girl who did bachelors in harvard university. she is paralysed neck down & bstill finished her phd I think her name is brooke ellison quite inspiring tale.





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Glad dear that all turned out fairly well with the colonoscopy. I think that hemorrhoid can hit at any age; thankfully it can be treated with OTC meds - that in itself shows it's minor.


As to your strength to endure all you are doing and having a crappy cold, my (((hugs))) are coming to you as always. You are a remarkable young woman - you are so inspiring and probably don't even realize it.


Love you dear Cyber Niece.

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hi katrina,

so glad your test turned out okay....that is nobody's idea of a good time and now you can put it behind you! i think your dad has a good idea in having you stay home and rest one more day. i wish you the best at school.....just remember you don't have to do it all. you have nothing to prove to anyone...you are a fantastic and strong woman just as you are. be kind to yourself.....hugs! kathy

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