The Colonoscopy
Well yesterday wasent so bad. Not eating didnt really bother me and I found that drinking the stuff through a straw realy fast wasent so bad. I mixed in a cherry flavor pack so it kind of tasted like strawberry milk. It wasent until 2 hours later when it started working that the naussea and vomiting started. It took everything in me to finish the entire 4 liters. I went to sleep at about 2:00am and had to get up at 6am. The procedure went well. There was no cancer or polyps. I have a hemorrhoid though. I dont really understand how I have one at such a young age but the doctor said it can be treated with over the counter medicine. I am still getting over a cold I caught about a week ago so. My dad wants to keep an eye on me so I wont be going back to school until tomorrow. I am still stressed over school. I have a month (minus thanksgiving break) to complete 20 community service hours and 3 week to turn my Cs and Bs into As and get ready for finals while remaining active in my clubs & organizations as president, financial secretary, team leader, webmaster, and member of 2 other clubs. Please pray for my strength. Tomorrow I have a full day ahead of me starting from class at 10am until a meeting that doesnt end until 8:30 at night. I guess then I will try to catch up on work I missed. So for now I am going to write my thesis for dracula, review Biology, SHOWER, and get some more rest. Thanks everyone for your continous support
P.S I really enjoyed reading about Sharon in this month's newsletter. Knowing that she experienced the same thing I did and went on to earn a PhD really inspired me not to give up and keep doing the best I can in school.
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