Emergency Room
I had to take Tootie to the ER on 11.18 (Tuesday). The school nurse called my daughter and told her she thought Tootie might be having a TIA. The teacher initially called to say Tootie had a huge bowel movement at breakfast. The teacher thought Tootie may have had diarrhea. My daughter explained she had given Tootie a sublingual Fleets the previous night. Tootie has a lot of problems with constipation and we have tried everything; apparently this works.
Anyway, then the school called and said Tootie was drooling. Tootie was drooling so much they had to put a bib on her. The nurse said she attempted to get Tootie to smile and when Tootie finally smiled, the left side of her face seemed to be drooping.
I took Tootie to the ER and explained what happened and her history. We were in a room within 10 minutes. The ER doctor ordered a CT scan as well as a throat culture. He shared excessive drooling is sometimes associated with strep; so he wanted to swab Tootie
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