The great flood
Sat Nov 15 started as just a normal day. I took Teddy for a walk about 10:00 am. He returned just before 11:00. When we
approached the bldg, I could hear the fire alarm going off. Terry told me there was a broken water pipe down the hall
where I live, and I should go into the living room. I decided to stay outside, and soon the fire trucks started showing
up. It was a big mess I was told, and I could not go back to my room for maybe a week or two. At first, I would be
sharing another room, and Teddy would be seperated from Teddy. Fourtunatly, it was decided Teddy and I would go next
door, to the independent living part.
I finally moved in at about 4:30. The room was nice, but I had very little lights, TV, and very little else. Also,the
bed was so small I had seen caskets bigger than that bed, but at least you couldn't fall out of a casket.
I only had to go down the hall a short distance for meals.
Teddy was very upset, he even threw up several times. I did get a radio, some clothes and a couple of books.
As it turnded out, I wouldn't get much else.
The grab bars in the bathroom were not very safe,and I ended up falling down Sunday morning.
Nora and Kim did come over to walk Teddy while I was in exile. Teddy got better used to my new room.
I ended up reading O.J. Simpson's book about the murders. It was a strange book, and really was a confession by the
I listened to the radio quite a bit. I went 5 days without changing my underwair, and really never got used to the grab
Finally, on Thursday afternoon my room was ready and I was allowed to return from exile. My room was a mess, and it took
a long time getting to where I could live in it again. The main thing was getting my computer up. All of this was short
lived because on Friday afternoon the power went out in half of my room (along with my computer).
Finally, by Sunday things were back to near normal. I was able to take a shower.
This morning my power was finally restored, so all is going OK, for now.
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