Whilst (fancy olde English) I was walking Teddy the other day, he stopped at a bush and really started sniffing. As it turned out he found a bratwurst. Teddy was so proud of himself, he pararaded around with the sausage in his mouth, a bit unsure how he was going to eat it. I did not dare try and take it away from him because he would get mad, he can get very mad if you take away something he knows he is not allowed to have. Anyway, he eventually went back to the room and ate it.
I recently bought a new bed for Teddy to lay on, but so far he will not touch it. He prefers the towel I put down for him.
The flod is still affecting a few rooms. Actually, I am the only one back in my room. I think tomorrow at least one other person will return to her room. I am still trying to get my room restored to the way it was before the flood, but I am getting there.
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