So here is what I am thankful for:
Jackie gave me the biggest one armed hug a person could ever get yesterday and I heard her say I love you
My mom is cooking dinner for ME this year.
Jackie's sisters: Patti, Nancy and Kathy - they have kept me sane and they give me strength.
My dog and cats to come home to.
A home to come home to - Jackie's wisdom allows us to keep it.
A secure job and income
For discovering my spiritual side - the hard way but at least I found it.
FOr my friends and neighbors who have helped us.
For getting the leaf vacuum and mower deck off the tractor and the bucket and blade on without major injury! And I only swore once - when the blade fell on my foot. You would have too.
For finding this website and the angels on it.
Jackie is alive and with best friend and soul mate.
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