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Point of View





I have a suspicion that my point of view has changed since my stroke. I am not sure, but I think so.


For example take viewpoints on...say... cats. I am sure you will find it hard to believe, but at one time I actually did not like them. Now I find them vastly amusing. As to point of view, perhaps an example would be in order.


You take two big rocks, two cats and a roll of duct tape.


The better half calls it evil.

I call it book ends and look on it as theraputic rehabilitation.


Just as I find it okay that the cat figured out, that if quiet, it can sharpen its claws on my left leg for quite a while before I notice. Just as I, myself, figured out a cat cannot tell the difference between a toy mouse and say...a tube of superglue. Did you know that superglue doesn't stick to carpets, but when their hairless little paw pads hit linoleum...well, it's a shame cats are not equipped with air bags.


But enough rant for now. Next time we will discuss the genetic heritage of the people who want to strap a sharp fork to a hand you cannot control. BYOB (bring your own benzodiazapine)




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hey Pete:


welcome to wonderful world of blogging. you have weird & great sense of humor. fortuntely I went & read your first post so now I understand you better though if I don't understand something it is easy to blame it on my stroke though my son & hubby won't allow me to use that as my excuse. I personally think sense of humor is a must requirement to be able to handle stroke.




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That was hysterical. I have 2 of the darlings myself. My oldest is 8 and is a black n white siamese mix. The youngest (my little idiot) is a brown n gray tabby and a year old. I think her momma dropped her on her head during delivery. Lili is NOT wrapped too tight; she's told repeatedly she's fortunate that she's so darn cute. Crystal the oldest was with me before the stroke and we have quite a special bond. They both keep me occupied while my daughter (a teen) is at school.


Never a dull moment when one has critters. Crystal tries her version of acupuncture on my affected arm but I feel it just can't my arm out of the way on its own .

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I personally think sense of humor is a must requirement to be able to handle stroke.




*grin* Oh, you have no idea how much trouble it has gotten me into with doctors who take things literally.


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That was hysterical. I have 2 of the darlings myself. My oldest is 8 and is a black n white siamese mix. The youngest (my little idiot) is a brown n gray tabby and a year old. I think her momma dropped her on her head during delivery. Lili is NOT wrapped too tight; she's told repeatedly she's fortunate that she's so darn cute. Crystal the oldest was with me before the stroke and we have quite a special bond. They both keep me occupied while my daughter (a teen) is at school.


Never a dull moment when one has critters. Crystal tries her version of acupuncture on my affected arm but I feel it just can't my arm out of the way on its own .


One purebred Siamese named OC ( stands for Other Cat), a Balinese named Hairy It and Sue...the psychotic matriarch of our felines. They consisted of 3 of the four living things I saw and talked to for a year. Not counting doctors.


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