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Happy December 1st Everyone



:happydance: :forgive_me?: I bring my December 1st Happy Dance to share with you along with flowers for all. Without Friends.... Life would be like a garden without flowers. Thank you for being the friendship seeds that have been planted in my StrokeNet garden. It has been fun getting to know you and walking our journeys together.


I am so happy I have finally come to the point in my journey to actually start a Blog. It is hard to share my innermost thoughts with you, however, I feel it is time to try. I want to share my experience, strength and hope with you. I feel God spared my life is the simple fact to lend a helping hand to others and share what he has done for me and that there is HOPE. There is life after a stroke. We have been dealt a hand ..... Do I fold or Do I move forward? The choice is mine. Only I can make the decision. I chose to Move Forward. Here I am, five years later... still making choices with my daily life. When I wake up in the morning, is it going to be "oh, just another day" or is it "what does today have just waiting for me".... Everything is bright and new.


I was 100% paralyzed, today I am not paralyzed. I can say yes to the challenges out there or hide under the covers. I want to move forward. Everything is just waiting for me. SO, LOOK OUT WORLD I AM COMING. My Birthday is the day after Christmas and this is a lil Birthday gift to me. I used to do everything for everybody else and I think my well was dry. I have had to learn to put me on the top of the list, if I don't, I'm headed for trouble. I used to feel it was a selfish thing to do, therefore, I didn't do it, but, I am trying. I'm so darn excited I am actually writing this BLOG... how cool is that?


Maybe I will learn more about the Post gal and learn to love her more. It is hard being a Stroke Survivor, but, the key word here is SURVIVOR.... I beat the odds, I made it..... I do have worth... just have to get to the land of Acceptance. I have never asked once WHY ME,. why not me?


Well, I am excited to see if this made it in the Morning News.. I will be back, probably a lot. It's like a new toy under the Christmas Tree. For now, I am just going to embrace who and what I am.


I hope to learn more about the Jan and more about you, the readers.

Until next time, have a great day and hug yourself. You deserve it.






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Happy December 1st to you too. You have come a long way baby. It is good that you are ready to share and even better that you have found acceptance and that you are ready to move on with the rest of your life. I am looking forward to reading your blog and getting to know you also. Take care dear Jan,



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I'm so so glad you joined the Blog Community and that I was able to help you get all up and operational. I look forward to your added words of wisdom and insight.


You are a dear and wonderful lady and loved so very much

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WOOHOO jan you did it. not so hard huh. i hope you find comfort in blogging. so others can learn all about your life pre and post stroke. you are truly a miracle to be here among us. you can tell everyone about harley too. thankyou donna for helping to get you up and blogging

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I am so excited you join our blog world I am sure your blogs will be big chunk of my happy pill. I am so glad Donna helped you out in setting up blog.


welcome aboard, looking forward to your chat too & get to know you better.




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That's wonderful, well stated, we love you and hope to see more of you right here. Look how close you came to being born on the 25th, you are special, just make sure you get two presents, one for Christmas and one for your birthday.


I don't know about the morning news but it made it all the way to my attention, so you gotta be back.

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