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New Allergy???



About a month ago, I got a cut/scratch on the back of my left hand(that dreaded left side neglect again). To 'doctor' myself, I put Neosproin on it and covered it with a bandaid. Within days, I had a horrible mess...itching like crazy. After tollerating about 4 days of that, I stopped the 'treatment' and just washed the area well and then put Aquaphilic on it...which has seemed to assist the healing I wanted.

Anyway, I'm not sure which it was but I guess I'm either allergic to the Neosporin or the bandaid. Or maybe it's a combination of the two together.


I've also been 'enjoying' my first cold of the season. It wouldn't be so bad if my sinuses would stop producing copios amounts of mucus, which drain down my throat and into my lungs. Alas, I'm a mess these days.


To 'put the icing on the cake', the weather here has decided to act like it's February instead of only December. ie it's extra cold and we're getting bunches of snow. What was I thinking when I was a kid! What is so fun about shoveling snow and being scared to death to go out in a car on the ice?

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I love Neosporin. I had a nasty gash on my leg when iIwas in ICU that no one could determine where I had gotten. The assumption was it was from when I had seized and thrashed somewhere while ambulating. Despite the doctors' best efforts it was not healing as quickly as they hoped. As they were resolving to call in a dermatologist, I argued that if they would just put Neosporin on it, they'd see results and all would be fine. I think they upped my meds and knocked me out. Probably didn't want me to see the Neosporin being applied lol-more likely to shut me up.


Sorry you're feeling lousy and hope your nose dries up. Stay off the ice, be careful and hopefully before we know it spring will be here.


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